VI - Fire and Ash

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Rhenor could stare as one of the guards barked at them to surrender. The crew people had all woken up by now and were now in a rush to get weapons, but they didn't need them. Rhen and the others only had the blowgun, and that was it. And there were far too many people against them here to utilize it. Arion probably wouldn't even manage to use a single dart before the guards reached them.

The leader of the guards yelled something else at them, but Rhenor could barely hear him. Dread and defeat spread through his heart as it truly sunk in that they had failed, and that they would be executed now.

They'd done everything right. Right before the guards had been summoned, he could swear he'd heard the guard and sailor still talking, so they clearly hadn't noticed that one of their people had been knocked unconscious.

Had this been a trap all along after all? But then why even let them almost get away with it? They had been so close to making it. With the sailors, there were nine people against them. Maybe if they somehow managed to strike all at once, they could surprise the guards and push past them. They couldn't swim in the heavy armor they wore.

But at the same time, Rhenor realized that they were more than likely to meet their ends at the tip of the guards' swords instead of getting back up on board the ship and jumping into the ocean.

"Take off those backpacks and put your hands where I can see them," the leader commanded, but no one moved. Rhenor wasn't even doing it on purpose. He was simply too stunned for the moment to comply.

The leader's sword, now drawn and pointed towards him, did help him get over that, however. The bag felt heavy on his back as he reached for the straps, about to do as he was told simply out of survival instinct, even though he knew he was more than likely to be killed for this.

But before he could even begin to pull the straps off his shoulders, there was the sound of an exaggerated cough behind the guards, who automatically turned around in surprise. And once again Rhenor could only stare in shock, his mouth hanging open as his eyes fell on the newcomer.

"Kaz?" Rhenor couldn't help but whisper, completely flabbergasted. What was he doing here? He would get killed along with them.

However, be Rhenor could yell at him to run, no matter how pointless it would now, Rhenor noticed a change in Kaz. He was standing at the bottom of the stairs, drawn to his full height, his head held high in an almost arrogant stance, which Rhen had never seen from him before. And the leather cord he wore around his head was gone, his hair tucked behind his ears instead.

"I see the security in Sigallah is in as sorry a state as the King feared," Kaz said, his hands clasped behind his back as he looked from one guard to the next. He sounded so painfully superior with every word he uttered that it was making Rhen uncomfortable.

But most of all he felt incredibly confused by whatever was going on.

"Who are you? Speak before I have you dragged to the dungeons!" the leader snapped at him, turning his full attention to Kaz. Rhenor expected Kaz to panic, as he normally would have, but Kaz just put on a sneer, walking up to the leader.

"Lord Kazterrak lir Aztranno."

Rhenor heard his heart beating in his ears, somehow much more intensely than when they'd been caught in the act by the guards. Now that Kaz was closer, Rhenor could see his ears well enough to notice their pointed shape.

So that was why he'd always kept them hidden. Rhen hadn't even thought to question it, and now he felt like an utter fool. Kaz was a dragon. And not just a dragon—a Lord.

Rhenor felt like he was going to be sick.

"O-oh." The leader sounded horrified. "I.... I apologize, my Lord. I didn't recognize...."

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