Chapter 13

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Canada's POV

Gil's gonna stay with me! Yay! I was really excited because, even with Kuma around, it was pretty lonely at my house. My house is pretty big for one person and a small polar bear. So having another person around livens up the place.

We made it to my house and we were tired. Kuma was calling us sissies, telling us we needed to man up. What an angel.

"So now vhat are ve gonna do? I'm bored."

"Watch the news."

"But zhe news here is boring. Zhere is no violence! So Canadian...."

"That's very stereotipical. I'm ashamed in you, Gilbert Beilschmidt." (I have absolutely no clue if i spelled that right im without wifi at the moment)

"Vell I'm being honest!" I looked at him. He was shrugging and rolling his eyes. He looked stupid... but cute.

"Well just a few months ago there was a shooting in my nation's capital building..." Gil made a funny face.

"Vell zhat vas a few months ago. Zhis is now. No violence at zhe moment." He turned around and crossed his arms.

"You know, you can be such a kid at times." I poked his back. And again, an adorable squeel.

"MIEN GOTT BIRDIE, VOULD YOU STOP ZHAT?!" He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me around. I just giggled.

~Time skip~

Gil and I stayed up pretty late watching cartoons and playing games. We even attempted Twister, but we agreed to never speak of that experience to anyone but each other... or let Kuma be in control of the spinner. The entire time we were in awkward positions, and at one point Gil had collapsed on me. Oh yeah, our faces were as red as the leaves on the trees. And Kuma was laughing so hard.

We finally calmed down and got ready for bed around midnight. We said good night and went to our seperate rooms. I enjoyed the time we spent together. It was a shame it had to end.

(*∩ω∩) (*∩ω∩) (*∩ω∩) (*∩ω∩)

Aaahhh moar fluffff-ish stuff!!! Twister though ( ▔•з•▔ )
I hope u liked this chappy. Im crappin' 'em out faster than u can say "Feliciano Vargas"
Idk anymore
Luv ya!

Ps thanks for 300+ reads!

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