Reuniting the Crew

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(Hattie P.O.V)

I guided Ethan out of the caverns, finding Celia, Dr. Facilier's daughter as well. She helped Dad get food from time to time if I wasn't able to steal enough. She hugged my waist and I chuckled at the preteen. "It's good to see you too, Celia. C'mon, we better get going before we get into any kind of trouble with anyone." I said and she understood what I meant. I found Calla and she was stunned and excited to see her, I lifted her onto Calla's saddle, and we began walking out of the Isle. I didn't know where Hadie could be, he wasn't down in the cavern, and I don't know where he could be on the Isle. Not to mention I don't want to uproot his life here, I want to see him and take him to Auradon but I know I can't do that, not without hurting him and his mother. 

Mal came following suit, and she looked angry like she normally is whenever I'm near, so I don't care anymore. The walk back was quiet, and we were able to get out of the Isle without any problems. Once we got to the barrier, I saw Harry and Gil, who were able to sneak out of the Isle. Mal was angered, as was the rest of her gang since they don't like them still, I do wish we could get past this grudge and let bygones be bygones. Calla let Celia off of her back, and I sent her away. "What was that?" Harry asked and I smiled. "My Pegasus, her name is Calla, named after a flower." I explained to them, and Harry nodded, and Gil was his happy giddy self. Mal tried to take the ember out of my hand, and I simply threw it into the water. "No!!" Mal shouted and then a turquoise tentacle caught the gem. "Nice catch Uma!" I shouted and she came out of the water, she changed since I last saw her and the time here in Auradon, she's benefited from her time. "UMA!!" Both boys shouted and Mal growled, and I snapped my fingers, removing the curse that was on Mal. 

Uma came up on the bridge and she saw me and smirked. Suddenly the boys brought the two of us into their arms. "The crews back!" Harry shouted and the four of us laughed at that. "How about this?" Evie suggested, forgot that she was here with us, I clearly did not remember her existing at times. "How about we be friends?" She suggested and I looked at my half-sister, her emerald eyes glared into mine and I simply lit mine and she backed off, she was not liking my newfound confidence. "Let's go." Uma ordered and I followed her, but Mal being Mal, she cleared her throat. "I'm in charge, let's go." She remarked and I held back attacking her and I felt Ethan slip his hand and held my hand and I felt myself calm down. 

Authors opinion: Hey everyone, I am so sorry for the delay in chapters. Life started back up and I'm doing well actually. This chapter was shorter since this was mainly just this one area, and I will be continuing this soon. I just wanted you all to have something to tide by until I get back into full swing. Either way I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter and until the next time bye

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