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He voluntarily stepped at his father's shadow, made his father as a front as he hid from the world. Ali bin Ghazali became a mystery as even Viktor hardly saw him, it's as if he vanished from the world that once hold a piece of him; he exists in different corners of a story but now there is hardly a scene where he is present.

Is he missed? Is this what is peace? Is this what is the life that only revolves around him?

It is lonely, it is disheartening, being alone when he wasn't working because while Cyberaya progressed with advance technology, his life remains stagnant. Because of that five years of seemingly failing his duty as a boyfriend, the truth is his life only revolves around her. Whatever she decides, whatever she wants, whatever she ought to be.

He had held a torch for her unconditionally, he had followed her wherever she went, he had hung onto her words, no matter how he responded, in fact, he was ready to give the world to her if she asked because she deserves it all and he was a simp. He was a loyal simp.

So Alicia-be-gone, Ali is a new man. Gone was the puppy that follows her through the halls, gone was the man who sat beside her with their backs on the wall, gone was a friend that heard it all, and gone was a lover that she cannot call hers anymore.

She had found solace with him, he became her home unconditionally. Ali is the man she didn't deserve even if she reincarnated a thousand times, because he gave her all, he is willing to offer her all while she, she just takes it all. It is a known fact that in a relationship everything should be balanced, but in their relationship it is not.

So yes, Alicia is a selfish woman, taking up his time, benefit from his acts of service, claiming his warmth, and kept him to herself; taking the broken soul and crushing it to pieces then building it up again to match hers. Label her selfish, accepting and taking all that he can give while she hardly offer anything in return, but that's all that it is because Alicia Kheng actually does not have anything to offer at all, it is a matter of what she have and not of what she can.

Ali can have all the things in the world while she cannot and if he offers it to her, what is left for her to offer him that he cannot possibly have?

Alicia rounded around the corner only to be pulled into a room assigned to techno agents to create and upgrade gadgets, meaning it must be Ali. Before she could protest his lips sealed hers in a searing kiss, she responded before pushing him away abruptly.

" We should not be doing this here "

" I know "

" There are cameras "

" I can handle it "

" Ali, honestly----"

" I got reprimanded again and it was not my fault "

" What am I supposed to do Alicia "

" I don't have any ideas yet "

" Alicia...Alicia, I don't know how many more offenses I am allowed to have "

She didn't know how to answer, yes at first those reprimands are well deserved, but Ali matured a lot, the reason of the recent reprimand surely is not his fault, but only a few believed that, others have negative opinion and perception about the tekno and MATA can only allow much failure.

Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring AliliciaWhere stories live. Discover now