36- Two Guilty Idiots

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Michelle pov

After the whole fiasco with Viviane I chose to stay out of her way. The bitch totally lost it. I talked to Maggie about it afterwards but she didn't really know what was going on and said that maybe she forgot to drink her pills so I left it at that.

I really thought vivian went insane, although I must admit I thought she was already insane but she took it to a whole new level.

I was laying on my bed busy on my laptop when there was a knock on my door and it opened. It was Maggie.

"Hey Mags what's up?" I asked her. "Nothing much.. umm you remember Gammie and uncle Santiago and our cousins right?" she asked.

"Yeah I don't have memory loss Mags. I remember them." I joked.  "Right sorry, well they are coming toning for dinner." she informed me looking as if someone just gut punched her . "And by the look on your face that's not a good thing" I asked confused. She sighed and the walked over to me sitting on my bed.

"No it's a good thing. I love when Gammy and uncle Santiago and the boys come to visit. We see them only on rare occasions but when they are here there is always a fight." she explained. "Yeah I picked that up. Gammy is not a fan of Ricardo or Viviane." I told her.

"Yeah it's like constant world War when they come, so just prepare yourself for the worse." she informed me. "Thanks for the heads up." I said as she stood up from my bed and walked out of my room.

This is fucking perfect.

I said before that the universe hates me but it's seriously leaning towards my favor right now. Imagine the faces of everyone around the dining table when Sabrina and her little lap dog Benjamin gets exposed. Maggie may think the normal dinners are like World War. This is going to be a fucking apocalypse.

I took my phone out of my pocket and called Asher. "Hey." he answered making his voice deeper than it actually is. "Hi you won't believe what I've just been told." I said.

"What?" he asked like a nosy girl waiting for gossip. "More family members are coming for dinner tonight." I explained. "Congrats" he said making the confusion in his voice very visible. "Family members who already don't like Ricardo or Viviane. Imagine them all finding out at once."  I explained further.

"You know you surprise me every day a little more." he said. "Yeah right. Just tell Mason of the change of plans. I'll text you tonight when he can send the clips to everyone in the house." I told him.

"Got it, may the force be with you." he said and hung up just causing me to shake my head. I put my focus back in my laptop and continued playing chess with Eleanor and Cammy, she thinks I don't know that Cammy is helping her but she has always sucked at chess. We may live continents apart but not a day goes by without us checking in on each other. Because that is family and the Ferrari's don't know what the meaning of family really is.

After a few games of chess we called it quits seeing that it was nightime where they are. I stood up from my bed to put my laptop back on my desk when I saw through my window 2 cars in the driveway. And then I heard someone running towards my room.

"They are here!" Maggie said her voice filled with panic. "They are not suppose to be here until tonight and someone told them about mom with the knife last night and everyone is angry. It's going to be a train smash."she rambled speaking very fast.

"Okay take a breath" I said as I put my hands on her shoulders. "Whatever their problems are they can sort it out themselves. They are the adults and you have nothing to worry about because it is not your problem." I said seeing she was slowly beginning to relaxing. "Okay" she said taking a deep breath. "Say it." I said looking at her. "It's not my problem" She said after she took another deep breath.

"Atta girl" I said smiling. "We should probably go greet them." she said after being completely calm. "Yes I think we should." when we got down stairs we heard voices from the dining room, they were not yelling but with their tone you could tell that they were angry.

Maggie and I stopped when we heard the voices behind the close doors. We both sat down on the stairs listening to the conversation.

"She belongs in a psychiatric ward. She's lost her marbles" I heard Gammy say. "Do not talk about my wife like that!" Ricardo yelled. "Wacth how you speak to my mother. You have a final warning, disrespect her again and I'll put a bullet in your head." we heard uncle Santiago's voice who send shivers down my back.

"What if you didn't get to Michelle's room in time huh? You're wife would have killed her. You need to make a choice either your children or your mentally unstable wife who needs to be locked away and the key throwned into the ocean." we heard Gammy's voice again.

Me and Maggie looked at each other. Maggie looked scared so I held her hand as reassurance."You know it not nice to eavesdrop"  a voice said coming out of nowhere scaring the living shit out of me. When I looked up it was one of Santiago's sons Samuel. "And it's not nice to creep up on someone." I said as I stood up from the stairs as he helped Maggie up.

"Where's Seb and Sal?"  Maggie asked. "Seb is coming later he didn't feel to good and Sal is inside with them." he said pointing to the close door where we could still them arguing. "You don't want to listen to that let's get some snacks I'm hungry." he said and me and Maggie followed him to the kitchen.

I sat at the kitchen island while he and Maggie looked through the kitchen for something to eat. "I thought you were coming tonight. Why are you here so early? " I asked curious.

"Wow I'm happy to see you to cousin" he said offended. "Oh come on." I said as he started making him some toast. "Gammy and my father had some things they wanted to discuss with Richardo. It would only have caused drama if they did it tonight at dinner" he explained.

The three of us were in the kitchen talking when Gammy, Salvatore (cousin) and uncle Santiago came in the kitchen. Maggie ran up to Santiago and gave him a hug. "Hey princess." Gammy said as she came over and gave me a hug.

After they greeted us they explained they had to do a little business with Ricardo and we'll see them tonight for dinner again. I must admit I started to worry that they might cancel the dinner.

The day slowly went by and it was finally the time I've been waiting for the entire day. Dinner time!

The family started to arrive and one for one started to fill the the seats. Sabrina and her lapdog also came and even Crazy Viviane was there. I couldn't ask for this plan to go more smoothly.

Everyone took a seat and I texted Asher it was time. The food was brought out and placed when everyone's phones pinged at the exact same time. Everyone looked confused at each other and took their phones out opening the texts.

I had Mason sent it to me too so that it doesn't look suspicious. Everyone's eyes were glued to their phones and after they watched both clips all eyes fell on the two guilty idiots.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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