For mission's sake

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Forger Kiyotaka's POV:

Our 2nd island exam just completed and we returned to school, my high school life is going well and good and as for my missions, well... I would say it's going well. It's been a year since I talked with my family, for this mission.

Loid Forger, who is my father in this mission and also my brother in real, not blood related, but he is the one who trained me as a spy and I'm indebted to him and I'm sure he thinks of me as a little brother but there is no way he would show it outside.

Yor Forger, who is my mother in this mission, she is a kind and caring mother to me and Anya, I have no problems with her and in fact I enjoyed her company, and she's kinda off an airhead too, but weirdly addicted to sharp objects and good at martial arts, what shocked me is that, she is as good as me and Loid.

Finally, Anya Forger, my little sister for this mission, what should I say about her, just when I entered ANHS, Anya applied for Eden college, I know she got in because if she didn't, I wouldn't be in this school right now. Haha, Loid must be having trouble dealing with her.

Well, all this family.... is only for mission's sake...

What is my mission you ask?... Let's save that for later.

It's been an year since Loid and I have talked, I am pretty sure he'll contact me soon. I don't know how but he will, I should be prepared for any type of contact.

I got ready for today's classes and started walking towards my class, on my way, I saw a certain blonde girl walking,

"Hi, Kei" I greeted her

"Oh, Hello Kiyotaka," she greeted back

Then we started talking about some common topics while walking towards the class,


As usual, Chabashira-sensei entered the class right on time to start her homeroom class, but today, when she opened the door I saw a glimpse of women with black hair...which looked like my....

"Good morning students, we have some visitors today for some important business, so treat them with respect." announced Chabashira-sensei,

Loid, please don't tell me it's you... I expected you to contact me but not this way...

'Heh. We are here, Kiyo-nii' thought Anya

'I hope you're doing well, Kiyotaka' thought Yor

'I'm pretty confident you made progress in the mission, Kiyotaka.' thought Loid

"Visitors? Are they that important that school compromised it's important rule?" asked Horikita, I am pretty sure even the other students are thinking the same.

"Horikita-san is right, the school is not giving us another weird special exam, right? we just came back from island." supported Ike.

"Rest easy, this is not a special exam. These visitors just came to visit Chairman Sakayanagi, they have someone related to them in this class so they just wanted to meet him." said Chabashira-sensei.

Hearing that, the students started whispering among themselves and my group also started looking around themselves, well, if it's really Loid then I have get ready to act surprised.

'Kiyo-nii found us...' -Anya

"You can come in," Chabashira-sensei asked the visitors to come in, the door opened revealing A blonde man and a black haired women and a small girl with pink hair, they are my family.

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