Carbonite and saving Scott and Kira

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Yn pov

Me and Liam stood in Scott's house waiting for Malia and Stiles to come downstairs.

'Liam go home.' I heard Stiles say as soon as he was downstairs. 'You're not coming with us.'

'Why not?' Liam asked.

'Because it is a full moon.' Stiles said before continuing. 'And I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out.'

You can lock me up right?' Liam suggested so he could convince Stiles that he could go. 'Chain me up to the backseat or something?'

'You tore through the last chains remember.' Malia said.

''Yeah we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there.' Stiles said.

'Okay then where do we get carbonite?' Liam asked.

'Are you kidding me are you that uncultured.' I asked Liam in disbelief.

'Seriously you haven't seen it either.' Stiles asked disappointed.

'You should really watch Star Wars.' I said to my brother.

'Wait you watched it?' Stiles asked exited. I just nodded to his question. 'See this is why she is the favorite new addition to the pack.' Stiles said now to my brother before walking through the front door but my brother stepped in front of him.

'Wait what if you put me in the trunk?' Liam said.

'You get out of that too.' Malia said.

'Liam you've been a werewolf for a whole 5 minutes.' Stiles said. 'You don't have to do this.'

'I know I don't but I want to.' Liam said.

'There's gotta be bigger chains, a bigger trunk or something. There has to be.' Liam said desperate.

'Maybe there is.' Stiles replied getting an idea.

On the drive to the location of somewhere Liam decided to suddenly start a conversation.

'When we were in Scott's house you said only I couldn't come, but you didn't say anything about Yn, why?' Liam asked Stiles.

'Well look at her she is badass.' Malia replied before Stiles got the chance.

'She has been practicing.' Stiles added. 'And if that isn't good enough for control then Derek had power dampening cuffs.'

'You didn't tell me Derek had that.' I said to Stiles.

'I didn't tell you because I think you won't lose control.' Stiles said to me.

'I think the same.' Malia said being supportive.

'Thank you that helps a lot.' I said happy that they believe in me.

'We arrived.' Stiles said.

We got out of the car and soon there came another car driving in.

'How did you get a prison transport van?' Stiles asked the pretty dark skinned woman.

'I'm the U.S Marshall.' She replied

'She is badass.' I said out loud.

'Thanks kid. My name is breaden.' Apparently Breaden said.

'I thought that was a cover up.' Stiles said about theU.S Marshall thing.

'Are we really bringing him?' Derek asked while making an entrance and asking about Liam at the same time.

'Are we really bringing him?' Stiles asked back talking about Peter who joined us.

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