Bügermeister's Party

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The Bügermeister and his wife, Ilsa, were throwing a party. Not just a random, we-had-nothing-else-to-do party. It was Johann's birthday, every year they had a celebration. This year, Ilsa Herman invited Liesel to come while she was reading in the library.

Liesel was unsure, but Papa insisted that she should go. "You'll enjoy it, and if not, you always have book on you." After dinner that night, Liesel walked next door to the Steiner home. She knocked on the door and asked Barbara Steiner for Rudy if he wasn't busy. After she called for the boy, Rudy came running to the door.

"Hey, Saumensch." He said with a grin plastered on his face. His cheeks were a lighter rose color and he was breathing heavily.
"Hey, Saukerl," Liesel started, "Can I talk to you for a second, it won't take long." The grin on the lemon haired boy left and was replaced with a serious expression.

"Of course," He started putting his shoes on, "is everything all right?" Liesel nodded.

"Ja, everything is fine."

"Then what's wrong?" Rudy asked.

"Nothing," Liesel replied as Rudy stepped out of his home and closed the door. "I was going to ask if you wanted to join me at Frau Herman's party. I'd get lonely quickly if the only people I knew were the Hermans."

"Sure, I'd love to. When?" Rudy said as they sat on the door steps.

"Tomorrow night, I'll come over at seven."

"Alright," Rudy said and shivered. It was late and mid January. "Anything else before I die of hypothermia?"

"Nope, I think that's it." Liesel said. Rudy nodded and started walking back inside. "Wait," Liesel grabbed his coat, getting his attention. "If I'm not here by seven, you can come over to my house and get me." She said. Rudy smiled, not his toothy grin but a small, warm smile.

"Alright. Good night, Liesel."

"Good night, Rudy."

As Rudy walked back into his home, his only thought was what Liesel would look like the next night. "She'll be beautiful, she always is." He thought to himself as he jumped under the covers of his bed.


The next day, Alex Steiner worked on Rudy's suit and Barbara cleaned the boy up.

It wasn't much different at Liesel's home. Rosa washed Liesel's hair twice and did her hair. While Liesel read her book, Hans played his accordion and Rosa ironed Liesel's best dress.

Rudy wasn't allowed outside, his parents knew he would get in a game of soccer and either get hurt or get dirt all over himself.

Liesel wasn't allowed outside. There wasn't an opportunity to do so. Rosa tried different hair styles on the girl over and over again. She would catch cold with her wet hair as well.


Liesel wasn't at Rudy's at seven. He gave her another minute. Then five more. After twenty, he sighed and put his shoes on. He walked over to the Huberman home.

As he walked, he noticed, through the window, Liesel Meminger. She had a bun on top of her head, with a thin, white bow tied on it. She wore a navy blue dress with a dark gold colored cardigan. It took him a minute to stop staring and go up to the door.

"Who is it?" Rosa shouted.

"It's Rudy, Frau Huberman!" He replied. He heard shuffling and Hans opened the door.

"Hello, Rudy."

"Hello, Herr Huberman. Is Liesel ready?" He asked. Behind Hans, Liesel was tying a scarf around her neck and buttoning her coat.

"Ja," Liesel replied for him. She stepped in front of her Papa.

"Be back by your bed time, Liesel."

"Ja, papa."

"And let me know how your date goes." He winked. Liesel blushes while Rudy chuckled nervously.

They walked down to the Bügermeister's home.

"Hey, Liesel?"


"You look beautiful."

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." They walked over the bridge. They both thought of when Liesel's book fell into the river and Rudy jumped in. Liesel smiles at the memory, and took Rudy's hand.

The party was pretty much how Liesel pictured. Mostly family and friends of the Bügermeisters. Mostly adults. The "children" were at least 18 years old. Before the two had to leave, a song came on. Lili Marlen, a fairly popular song. Rudy insisted that they have at least one dance. Liesel figured she should do him a favor for coming with her. She put her book down- they were in the library- and walked into the ball room with Rudy.

Both were clumsy. Liesel kept stepping on Rudy's feet and Rudy couldn't stop staring at the girl. After the song, they walked back. This time, Rudy offered his arm, and Liesel took it.

"It was only the truth," Rudy said when they arrived on Himmel street.

"What was?"

"That you were beautiful." You always are
Liesel blushed.
"Thank you, Jesse Owens."

"You're Welcome, book thief."

Authors note:
I'm going to try my best to do weekly updates. I'm not the best at updating but I'll try ^_^

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