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(Welcome! I am the author/ish-narrator, Zarax)

(And I'm his brain!)

(Yes, yes. Now shoo shoo. Let the adults talk)

(I AM YOU!!!)



(Just let the reader read the story without your childish yip yat.)

(Grr... I WILL NOT let this slide!)


(You stupid son of a-)

(Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down man. Lets keep it pg here)

(Shut up)


Nothing really changes out here. Not that I'm complaining. It feels so... free, to fly through the clouds, around mountains. No wonder the humans made flying machines. I land in a decently sized clearing near a lake. And take a drink of water. The sound of whistling grabbed my attention. I back away into the water, putting my good lungs to use. Once I'm in the middle of the lake I peek out of the water just barely. I see three human wanderers enter the clearing I was just at. I turn my head a bit so I could hear better what they were saying.

I can barely make out a male voice saying, "Sucks that Colin couldn't make it."

Another guy spoke up, "Heard that his math professor gave him a mountain of homework today. Why, I don't know."

The girl of the group spoke up, "You know you could just ask me, I'm in his class. He pretty much just fell asleep."

The first one talked again, "Tough luck. Man I gotta tell him to stop writing that book of his. He stays up to like 11"

They go into other conversations and I take my leave. Exiting through the other side of the lake. The humans are getting way to close to my home. My parents would want me to scare them off. But I learned that most wanderers don't go far from their camps. And most stay close to landmarks like the river. The mountain I live on isn't the most suitable of places. But some humans climb up anyways. I have to shove some rocks off to keep them down. But that one daredevil always comes around. So I do what I do, if they die that's on them. 

I should at least know where most of them come from. So that's why I decide to go past the furthest reaches, closest to human civilization I have ever been. I'll go at night.

... at night ...

And I left at night. Under the cover of darkness my crimson scales turn dark as night. Blending into the sky. Good news is its cloudy out. Bad news is that those clouds carry thunder. So I'm flying slightly lower so I don't get struck by lightning. I'm following a path that the humans made. One that many use to get to and exit this forest. I fly until I reach the edge of the forest. I land a distance away and take a breath. C'mon Felicia you can do this. I try to warm myself up. Since I haven't bothered to shapeshift in quite a while. I concentrate and I feel my body shift and warp. Into that of a Felis Catus or what most humans call, a cat. I walk along the dirt road until it joins up to a black stone road after a mile or two. I follow this road for 30 minutes before it connects to a bigger road, Which after an hour connects to a massive road bustling with vehicles. I backtrack to the medium town that's not too far from the massive road. The rain is really starting to pick up. There is hardly any humans out, probably sleeping, so I have the whole place to myself. 

By now the moon is directly above me and its pouring. I step into a giant man-made field with giant Y shaped poles at each end and seats along the rim. I try to turn back into a dragon. Emphasis on try. For some reason I can't. This could be a problem. I suddenly remember my mom saying something important about shapeshifting. Something about it being good to use it often otherwise you could get stuck in a form for a long time. I remember her saying she once was stuck as a human. Boy was that a problem. I sigh (If cats can even do that) and walk onto a path with many 'houses' as I hear humans call them. I go behind one of them hoping I could find some sort of shelter from the rain. 

I find a smaller house behind the bigger one. This one has very few openings and one giant door on it. I just sit at the edge of the door. Waiting for the storm to stop. I was about to head to sleep until I heard the back door to the house open.

A man and a BeastWhere stories live. Discover now