Chapter Forty Four

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"Oh my goodness, hey Brookie." Gianna said, surprised to be hearing from her bestie so soon.

"Hey Gigi. I have a question." She raised an eyebrow and encouraged Brooke to elaborate. "Didn't you friendzone that rich white boy? Like he was so weird, I remember he ghosted you, then tried to reappear like everything was all good."

"Yeah, he did do that and I stopped talking to him after that. Why?" Gianna asked, seeing her stick her tongue to whoever was behind her camera.

"Leo said that you were all lover girl behind him too, but you know I had to defend my sister." Brooke smiled, her eyes following him as he moved closer to her, then he joined her in the frame.

"You're my biggest hater. I don't even know why I'm on your mind when my beautiful sister is gracing you with her presence."

"I used you as an example for one of my clients earlier to help them get rid of their unrealistic expectations, so it ain't for nothing." Leo said defensively.

"I asked him about his day." Brooke added, leaning her cheek against his as he tilted his head closer to her. Gianna noticed their proximity, and them being together right now in general but did ask any questions about it or make any comments.

"His clients need better NDAs and maybe I should get one too." Brooke laughed before shooing Leo away.

"How's the tour going? You and Miles?" Brooke smiled seeing Gianna smile at the mention of his name.

"The tour is all good, Oakland is our second to last stop. Miles and I are good too. We kissed the other night but didn't have sex. Mainly because my mom was in the other room but I also think he wants to wait until we're official to be physical again."

"Wow, not he's able to resist the temptation of you. That's new."

Gianna laughed, "I don't really mind it, though. We just talked for the rest of the night and I loved it. Everything feels the same, just elevated this time. I like it a lot." Her happiness was evident. "Oh and I also took him to Waffle House before we left ATL. I remember him saying once he didn't like it."

"He doesn't like Waffle House??" Brooke's tone flipped completely. As a southern girl she was so offended. "That's a red flag, G."

"I know, that's why I had to change his opinion. I let him eat some of my sandwich."

"Is that an innuendo?" Leo popped up again with a chai tea for Brooke, just how she liked it.

"I was talking to Brooke and Brooke only. See your way out, please." Gianna rolled her eyes.

Leo ignored her, "We coming to the Seattle stop. I just know Brandy is gonna make some peach cobbler for you."

Gianna closed her eyes, thinking about her favorite thing her mom made, her stomach and taste buds instantly began to crave it. "And if she does, and if you come, I'm not sharing. Plus, I'd rather you not come because that's gonna be when Miles and my dad meet. I'm already nervous and I don't need you there, making my nerves worse."

"Nah, I need a front seat ticket to that show." Leo chuckled and Brooke immensely side eyed him. He then, finally, made the move to mind his own business.

"Don't be so nervous about it, Gigi. You're older now and the situation has changed, and so has Miles. Your dad can't be holding onto things from a lifetime ago."

"You only know what it's like to be on Gino Graye's good side." Gianna sighed, hoping that her mom could successfully soften him up. "I have to go to work. Love you guys." She waited for their responses before ending the call.

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