|22| I'm Sorry

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What is your favorite season? 🌷☀️🍁❄️
I like the spring time because it's not too hot or cold but I like winter because of the holidays.

Enjoy the chapter!


I'm sitting next to Sabrina's bed, watching the slight rise and fall of her chest. It's been a few days since she was stabbed. We're still trying to get information out of Jacob, and Alexia is nowhere to be seen.

Sabrina's last words before blacking out continue to play in my head. This is my fault. I'm sorry. Was what she kept saying over and over again. I told her to stay in the car, but being her stubborn self she didn't listen. If she listened things probably would've went better. But I would never let her think that it's her fault.

"Angelo," Lorenzo calls out to me. I turn to look at him for a brief second. "You need to go rest. She wasn't the only one hurt, you were too," and I glance down at my shoulder. It's bandaged up and I only needed a few stitches.

I don't give a damn if I'm hurt. I need to be here beside her when she wakes up. If she wakes up. I don't need to think like that. She's going to be fine. The doctor said no major organs were hit. That she'll be fine, she just needs to rest.

"I'm staying right here," I say evenly and he sighs. He doesn't say another word and heads for the door.

"Mamma is going to be here later," he says and with that final statement, he walks out the door.

With him gone, I look back over at Sabrina. I feel like this is my fault. She was living a normal life and my lifestyle got her kidnapped and put in this situation. I did the right thing by taking her home but it was actually useless sense my enemy's second in command is her literal brother.

As much as I hate to leave her, I need to go deal with her brother. He's not talking, and we need to figure out what Vincent's planning. He might have a good idea of where Alexia went off to as well. She managed to slip off during the crossfire and we have no idea where she went. He might know something.


I walk into the holding cell where we're keeping Jacob. He has dried blood on his face, and his face is severely bruised as well. His right eye is swollen shut and he can barely keep his eyes open. He's tied to a chair and this sight makes me pleased.

"Still not going to talk," I pull over a chair and take a seat in front of him. He lifts his head a little, looking at me.

"How's my sister doing?" and I almost laugh at the fact that he thinks I buy that he actually cares. He threatened to kill her himself.

"Don't pretend to care," I tell him shaking my head. "You threatened to kill her. But she got stabbed by one of yours and Vincent's goons."

"I wouldn't actually hurt my sister," he says looking away. Yeah, I don't believe that one damn bit.

"Tell us something and we can skip todays torture session," I say. That's a lie. If he talks it'll just be a bonus.

"No," is all he says as he looks to the ground. I will admit he's loyal, but that doesn't work in our favor. I stand up and gesture for my men to do whatever. I hear his screams as I make my way out the basement.


I walk out to the garden, taking a seat on the bench me and Sabrina sat on last time. I'm lost in my thoughts until someone sits next to me. I look up to see my mother sitting there, smiling at my warmly.

"What are you doing here, mamma?" I ask her gently. I thought she wasn't coming till later.

"Just checking on my babies, like I'm supposed to," she responds looking at me.

I nod my head, as I continue to stare off into the distance. I realize I've never took the time to appreciate the garden. It was a pretty good idea on my mom's part.

"How is she doing?" she asks. I guess she heard about Sabrina.

"Still sleeping. But she's stable," and she grabs my giant hands in her small ones. She rubs my knuckles in a comforting manner.

"You're worried about her," I go to respond but she continues on. "I know you are. I can see right through you. You care about her and you know it," she squeezes my hand.

I am worried about her. This shouldn't have happened. But I rather blame myself then blame her for what happened.

"I messed up. After everything went down the other day with Vincent attacking us and Ales getting shot, I took her home after a great night with her. I thought I was protecting her," I tell her truthfully, whispering the last part.

"You're a smart boy. I don't have to tell you what you need to do," she says and I understand. I need to be honest with her.

"How do always give such good advice?" I ask her and she just laughs. I start to laugh with her because her laugh is contagious.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just very wise," she says, and I nod in agreement. She always knows what to say. Especially when I was younger and dealing with my father was rough.

My mom stands up, giving me a kiss on my forehead before heading inside. I continue to sit there and think about things. When she wakes up, I need to be truthful.

I know this chapter was super short but it was just to fill y'all in on the aftermath of what happened.

I love his mom, so sweet 🥹

Let me know you're thoughts.

Later y'all 💕

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