|Chapter 37| The Process Of Healing

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Hey guys here's another update. Also, I want to tell you that I have started editing the previous chapters of this book so you will now also have the translations of the Urdu language. Do check it out if you're not familiar with the Urdu language...

Shah Zain's POV (Edited)

A week had passed since Shiza lost her khala. She was still grieving. But there's a slight progress in her condition. She eats her food, talks to me and even sometimes pass a smile too.

But I know how much pain she's hiding behind that smile. I know she's trying to be strong but deep down inside she was crumbling gradually. She refused to tell me but I can see it. I can feel it.

She acts like she's doing good and that things were getting alright. But I know she was trying to hide her true emotions behind the facade of her smile. I know she doesn't want to worry us anymore. But that's what I am afraid off.

She shouldn't hide her emotions. She needs to portray them freely. Otherwise, the pain will keep burdening her and one day it will be too much to handle. I don't want her to experience that feeling. It hurt soo much when one couldn't bare anymore. I don't want her to fall into that category.

I need to do something which will be helpful in her situation. But I haven't reached a concrete solution yet.

It was already 8 in the morning. I was awake since fajr. I couldn't sleep so decided to just wake up. Shiza was still sleeping though. The grief had badly affected her sleeping schedule. She kept awake till late at night and that's why she overslept the other day. It's not good for her health.

She was not also eating properly. I tried to force her sometimes to even eat atleast one plate but she refused and stick to her half plate. Her body was getting weak. I had found her taking support to walk sometimes.

Her body is not getting enough nutritions and it was making her internally weak. But she refused to show it. She wants me to think that she's recovering when infact she was far from it. She wasn't recovering. She was just trying to act like she is.

I got dressed for the office. I had to join office today because there's a important meeting coming up and it needs my utmost attention. I didn't want to join right now. I want to spend more time with Shiza but this project has been in work since three years and now finally we are ready to launch it.

It will be not good for the company if we delayed it anymore longer than this. I decided to come home early because I can't focus on other things when my mind was occupied by my wife. I checked the time and it was close to 8:15. I decided to wake Shiza up because she needs to eat breakfast. She did protest but wake up anyways.

She went inside the bathroom to get fresh and take a bath while I combed my hairs and got dressed myself too..

The day in office was slow. I didn't have much rather than that important meeting. But here I was angry. I'm sitting here clenching my fists. Mr. Barzan had to show up for the meeting but he didn't. When our employee asked him about that, he juts simply stated that he forgot.

This is not how work works. He had to be present because this deal was important for both of us and since he's now a shareholder in this company too, his opinions matters. But he didn't come and that's why we had to delay the decision. I was already jumbled with situations and this added more to my already filled platter.

Barzan Malik's actions had been suspicious. He's not present in the company most of the time and even he showed up late to most of the meetings. He seems to least interested in our company rather I found him roaming around my office many times. But whenever I tried to ask him about that, he would always change the subject to entirely something else.

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