Saturday, june 10 2023

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It blacked out today in the Philippines. Me and my mom had a fight. I was telling her the quotes I found on tiktok. She looked annoyed and asked.
"What do you think is the meaning of that quote?"
She was talking about this one.

Don't light a fire if you can't handle the smoke

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Don't light a fire if you can't handle the smoke.

I told her that it means "don't judge a person if you don't know what their capable of. But she told me it was about behaving. I tried to explain to her that she was wrong and the quote was something not about behaving but she asked "Explain to me then!"
So I explained. But she thinks I was lying. I explained it in the best possible way I could but she wouldn't believe me. She told me no more phone for a month until you learn some manners. But then minutes later she says no more phone until you learn how to talk politely to someone.

I cried under my blanket cuz I didn't wanna seem weak. Because at school. I was known as brave. But I couldn't show weakness anymore. Not even at home.

When I continued crying. I imagined myself stabbing my chest and yelling at my mom saying that it's her fault.

That is the end. Just yesterday I thought I was being used... Now this...
But five comments made my day.

Someone commented on my accidentally deleted chapter and I felt like life just flipped upside down. Thankyou... Ms... Bye!

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