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"🎶Ich muss durch den monsun, hinter die welt, Ans Ende der zeit, bis kein Regen mehr fällt🎶" Bill sings while you play the guitar on the couch of the tour bus, you sit across from each other.

"I think that's good, but it's better in English, the song would also get more visibility if it wasn't in German" you say and put your guitar back behind the couch.
"True, but it's easier to sing in German," Bill replies.
"Of course it's because you lazy ass haven't been able to learn English" you laugh and gently nudge the boy's shoulder with your hand.
"You can't afford to say, you were at least as bad at English as I was in middle school," says Bill.

You chuckle, get up and start walking towards the back of the bus.

There were 2 small dining tables in the front of your tour bus, then 2 long black leather sofas facing each other. There were beds in the middle, they were bunk beds, on both sides there were three beds on top of each other, they were like small boxes with a pillow and a blanket inside. After them there was a shower on the left side and a toilet on the right side, no one wanted to sleep on the right side because every night when the toilet was flushed it woke up those sleeping on the other side of the wall. In the back of the bus there was still a TV and a big and wide sofa that could sleep even 6 people next to each other, there the 5 of you usually played cards and Mario on the Nintendo that Tom always brings on tour, you also got suitcases and other things under that sofa.

 In the back of the bus there was still a TV and a big and wide sofa that could sleep even 6 people next to each other, there the 5 of you usually played cards and Mario on the Nintendo that Tom always brings on tour, you also got suitcases and ot...

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You walk to the back of the bus to the part where Tom was, he was playing a game called Snanke 2 on his phone, it was the most famous game of the 2000 century.

"Finally" Tom says, throwing his phone on the sofa and grabbing your waist, he suddenly pulls you on top of him so that you both fall to lie on the sofa.
"I was waiting for you" Tom says and kisses you.
You chuckle and put your hand on Tom's cheek.

Suddenly, he grabs your hand and starts looking at your nails.
"What?" You ask.
"You have really long nails... how can you masturbate with these?" Tom asks.
"Tom..." you giggle.
"But it's okay... I can do it for you... even now" Tom chuckles and kisses you.

"No... no you can't..." Georg shouts, hitting the wall behind his head.
"I know how Tom feels, he's a horny teenager but shut up... I've been trying to sleep for a long time" Georg shouts again.

He was in the bed on the middle, obviously trying to sleep, but that's impossible in your tour bus during the day.

"You're just jealous because your girlfriend didn't come along but stayed at home, now let me enjoy having such a beautiful woman on top of me for once.... Because usually I'm top" Tom laughs.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP TOM, NOBODY WANTS TO KNOW MORE" Gustav yells, he was also trying to sleep, in the bed below Georgi.

You start to laugh but Tom silences you with a kiss. Suddenly you start to hear running footsteps and before you know it Bill jumps to lay on top of you.
"NOW I'M TOP!" Bill laughs.

Tom laughs too but is about to choke when you and Bill are both lying on top of him.

You're getting away from the boys.

"NOW ME AND TOM ARE ON TOP OF EACH OTHER, I'M ON!" Bill shouts excitedly.
"SHUT UP! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW MORE!" Georg screams and starts hitting the wall again.

You, Bill and Tom have been best friends since elementary school.
You were 9 years old when you met, you had been in the same school since you were 6 years old, but you switched to the same class with the boys in the 3rd grade. On the first day, Tom pulled your hair because he wanted to see how you would react... well you reacted by taking a pair of scissors and cutting off a piece of dreadlocks in his hair.
In the next recess, you threw a snowball at him, Bill also joined in the fight and that's how you became friends. It soon became clear that you all like music and founded a band called Devilish, then Georg and Gustav also joined your band.

Bill is the frontman of your band, he sings, Georg plays bass, Gustav is the drummer and you and Tom both play guitars, you usually accompany and Tom played solos and otherwise just ranted on stage. Even though your whole band was popular and you were all liked, you still got some hate because you were the only girl in the band... especially the hate came from your female fans, they didn't like you because you were dating Tom.
But that didn't interest you. Those four boys were your family and you loved them the most in this world, Tom the most ;)

Loverboys// Tom KaulitzXreader(xBill)// Tokio hotelWhere stories live. Discover now