Chapter 2

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Okay so i know I had said before that I wouldn't update untill I completed TMH, but I couldnt help it. I am legit excited with this story. I was practically typing nonstop on my laptop.

When my mom passed by, she looked scared.

Anyway, this story is going to be a good one, I can feel it. If you think its boring so far, please give it a chance its only chapter 2. I promiss to never make any of it boring. If i do I am so sorry so just bare with it.

I am honestly not expecting as many readers so even if i get below 100, i will cry happy teras. So thank you to those who took the time to read this C;

It honestly mean alot. First person to like this and comment will get the next chapter dedicated to them <3

Either way please vote and comment me your opinions and thoughts of it so far.

Okay enough of me talking, please enjoy (;

~ Banana xx


Chapter 2

Rebecca’s Pov

I could tell the atmosphere had gotten thick by all the wondering eyes that were set upon me. It wasn’t until I had regained my mind that I realized that he obviously must have not recognized me because of how I had changed drastically.

"Are you alright there Bex?" at the corner of my eye stood Emma with a peculiar face peering at me.

I didn't even turn to look at her, “Err yeah" I told her and studied the ogre’s face before clearing my throat and putting on a fake smile. The bright side is, at least I appear as a stranger.

"Sorry, you just looked familiar, but anyway I'm Rebecca" I put in all my strength into hoisting up my hand so it could rest upon his while he embraced it into a shake. In an instant his face brightened up with that cheeky grin I loathed. I immediately removed my hand while making a mental note to disinfect it later.

"It's quite alright babe and I am in the boy band One Direction. We were on the X-factor, I'm sure that’s why I might seem familiar to you" he ushered over to the other boys I have come to label as Harry and Liam. The two smiled and nodded at me.

 He did not just call me babe. The way it rolled out of his mouth made me cringe in disgust.

"Sorry, still doesn't ring a bell" I shrugged even though I knew perfectly well who he is.

They all nodded and I could care less about his little band. Knowing that I couldn’t maintain myself from jumping over to him and ripping open his large ego and dipping it into lava hopping it would burn to hell, I quickly excused myself.

"We still have some unpacking to do and stuff so we'll just see you guys around" I eyed both Phabian and Emma who caught on to my comfortableness. They both said goodbye to them and greeted the other two girls who we came to label as Miranda and Hayley. 

I tried my best to avoid the look Louis kept giving me which was harder than I thought. It’s like his sappy eyes were digging under my skin. That blue in them hadn't died down and even though mostly everyone back in Doncaster had blue eyes, I still despise his the most.

"I'll see you around then" he smiled, half waving as if unsure if I liked him or if I found him annoying.

"What was that?" Emma raised her eyebrows as I continued to unpack, fold, and put away. Phabes was sat on my bed looking very suspicious of my behavior.

"Ohm, the shirts I bought last summer, the shorts I never wore and know that I think about it I’m probably never going to wear them. I mean their nice but too short." I pretended to not know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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