Bert Please! 🙄

10 4 54

Julia Terrace

Middletown, Connecticut

Bert: *drinking Budweiser*

Ariel: Can I drink some?

Bert: No, beer will mess you up!

Ariel: Then, why are you drinking it?

Bert: Get out of my house!

Bob Kimball: Bert, don't be rude!

Lawrence: Yeah!

Bert: Who is Melanie Cote?

Bob Kimball: Someone I know.

Bert: She's my granddaughter!

Me: No, she's not! She hardly knows you!

Bert: Shut up, boy! You think I don't know my own granddaughter? *smokes a cigarette*

OreLace: Keep that smoke away from me!

Bert: *blows smoke in her face*

OreLace: *coughing*

Harriet: Hey, you cut that out!

Bert: I am 81 years old! You will all respect me! Melanie is gonna call me in a minute!

Brandon: Dude, she doesn't know you!

Bert: *blows smoke in Brandon's face*

Brandon: Dude! *coughs, and his eyes start to water*

Sasha: Listen, old man! If you don't stop messing with everyone, I will beat you up!

Bert: You? Beating an old fella like me? *laughs hysterically* That's a good one, sister! *laughter turns into smoker's cough* Consarn it!

Sasha: I ain't playing!

Bert: You ain't gonna beat me up, girl! I fought in a war!

Sasha: I don't care! *beats up Bert*

Bert: *getting beat up*

Pam: This old goat is so rude! I hate Bert!

Sasha: *still beating up Bert*

Bert: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Sunday, June 11th, 2023.

A/N Bert is such a mean old goat! 😡 And he lives in Ariel's neighborhood!  🙄 And he is not Melanie's grandfather! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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