Caught on Camera.

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It's been a week since the incident. I don't wanna see my parents, I can't bring myself to even think about the amount of pain they're in. I was wondering the halls in Sam and Colby's house. I haven't messed with anything yet, though, I don't wanna scare them. As I'm walking I saw them getting ready. I wonder why. I see Sam put on his jacket and walk out his room, he looks so good. Then Colby pops out of his room and he put his hat on, looking just as good as Sam. As they're getting in the car I sit in the backseat and listen to them talk for a bit. After a while were finally at a bridge. They get out the car and whip out a camera. I walk around to try and figure out what they're doing, but honestly have no idea.


You walk around Sam and Colby setting up the camera when all of a sudden Colby starts talking to the camera. "WHATS UP GUYS? ITS SAM AND COLBY!" "And today we're back at the suicide bridge!" Sam continued. "We haven't been here in a while so we decided to come back, just for a little trip, nothing big, and we're gonna see if we can talk to some ghosts today!" Sam finished his sentence and turned off the camera. "Hey I'm just gonna get the Ouija board real quick" Colby said, walking to the trunk of his car and taking out a case. "Should we do it over here?" Sam asked pointing to a flat area at the start of the bridge. Colby walked up to Sam holding the case "yeah dude that's perfect." Sam got the camera and placed it down, putting it at the perfect angel. You continued walking around to see what they were doing , then you had and idea. What if you talked to them? You thought this would be fun, answering their questions through the Ouija board. They say down and took the Ouija board out, and started recording again. "So, guys were gonna try and communicate to somethibg using the oija board, we found the perfect area right next to the bridge Soo let's go!!" Just as Sam finished saying that, you turned around and found a man wearing a suit. "Hello?" He asked. "Hi..?" You replied looking around. "Did you die here?" He walked closer to you. "What? Uhm no. I was in a crash, you?" You looked back at Sam and Colby, they were about to start using the board. "Yeah, I jumped. So did everyone else." He turned around and showed me all the other spirits wondering around. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." You said. "It's fine. Hey are those your guys?" The man asked, pointing to Sam and Colby. "Yeah, the brown haired guy was at the crash." You said looking at them. "Ah, I see. Well, I suppose you shall continue following them. Goodbye!" He said, wondering off. "Bye!" You waved, well that was confusing. You went towards Sam and Colby. They placed their hands on the planchette (the thing they put their fingers on and moves) and closed their eyes. "Is there anything here with us tonight?" Sam asked. You put two fingers on the planchette and moved them over to "yes" slowly. "HOLY SHIT!" Colby yelled "WHAT THE HELL DUDE?" Sam screamed. Colby looked up at the camera. "we've NEVER had a reply this quick guys! " Colby said. "Dude I swear to god this real , guys were not even kidding" Sam reassured. "Everyone's gonna think we're faking this man!" Colby said, looking at Sam. "Well we're gonna know this is real and that's all that matter dude." Sam stated.
You thought their reactions were hilarious, they were so shocked it made you laugh hysterically. "Anyways let's just keep going." Sam focused and closed his eyes, Colby doing the same. They put their two fingers on, once again. "How many of you are here?" Colby asked. You put your two fingers on once again. You don't really know the exact number, so you estimated. Moving the planchette to 20. "Dude no way!" Sam said looking at Colby. "Dude this is crazy." Colby looked at Sam and looked back down. "Can you tell us your name?" You slowly spelt out (y/n) "(y/n), what a lovely name!" Sam smiled at the camera. "Hi (y/n)! I'm Colby and this is Sam!" Colby said looking at the camera. You moved you the planchette to the letter I, then K, N, O, W. "I know?" Sam asked. "Dude remember the thing that happened last week after the crash?" Colby looked at Sam. Sam looked at Colby then the camera. "So, guys. We didn't tell you this but last week, Colby witnessed a crash, he called 911 for the girl but it was too late. That same day when we got home, Colby laid in bed and felt someone sit next to him, and strange things happened since. We think we might have a ghost with us and uh I think it could be (y/n)." Sam looked at Colby when finishing his sentence. Colby then started speaking. "(Y/n), were you the girl at the crash?" Colby asked. You hesitated, but moved the planchette to yes. "Holy shit. No fucking way dude." Sam said. Colby didn't reply, he was speechless. Colby then continued to say, "are you good or evil (y/n)?" You looked at him, he seemed scared, you felt awful. But continued to move the planchette to yes. "Thank god." Colby said looking up. "(Y/n) , are you with god by your side?" Sam asked. You never really believed in god, but you didn't want to scare them off, so, you said yes. Colby smiled , he sighed in relief. "(Y/n), how old are you?" Colby asked out of curiosity. You moved the planchette to 24 "oh so your our age? Okayy" Sam nodded, taking a mental note. "It's getting cold , do you feel that?" Colby asked. "Oh yeah, like around the board." Sam replied. You smiled,"that's kinda cool" you said to yourself. "You know guys, I think we should wrap this up." Sam looked at the camera. "Yeah I agree" Colby nodded. Putting the Ouija board and planchette back in its case. Sam grabbed the camera and took a photo with Colby for the thumbnail, you saw and decided to photobomb them, standing in between them doing the peace sign with duck lips. You laughed to yourself, walking away and watching them look back at the camera. "What the fuck is that?" Colby said, Pointing in between them. "Holy shit." Sam looked at it. He grabbed the other camera and showed the photo. "Guys.. we took a photo and LOOK, RIGHT THERE." Sam pointed. "There's literally someone right there, doing a little pose!" Colby kinda giggled a little. "Yo I think it might be (y/n)!" Sam chuckled. You realised that they weren't afraid of you anymore, they knew you had good intentions. "That's pretty awesome man!" Colby smiled. "Well.. that's pure evidence we didn't make that shit up." Sam looked at the camera. "So much has happened tonight guys, were gonna end it here, thank you guys for watching, uhh we'll see you next time, byeee!!" Sam said waving, with Colby waving in the back. They turned the camera off and hoped in the car, Colby turning the engine on.

"Tonight has been pretty fucking awesome." Colby laughed.

"Woah, I'm Dead." - A Sam N Colby Story.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin