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Hello everyone!

There's something I need to announce.

I am an NEET aspirant and I gave NEET this year but the scores weren't up to the expectations so I am going to take an year drop.

I would be away from the social media for this complete year and I would not be able to publish new chapters till March-April 2024.

This is my last day here.

I know I am telling it very late, some of you might be mad at me but I am seriously and heartily sorry to everyone.

I published this book in hurry in order to complete it before leaving but unfortunately couldn't.

But but, I ain't leaving the platform permanently nor am I deleting my account. I will be 1001% back after an year.

Thank you for the immense love you all have given to me and I am sincerely sorry to everyone.

Don't forget, I'll be back for sure, super soon!

Take care everyone.

I love you all!💗

Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

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