~29~ The Fight

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The first few days into the holidays were alright, although, I was always receiving the Daily Prophet, and I was getting angry that they kept painting Harry as a delusional boy who just liked the attention, and was lying about Who-Know-Who's return. I was close to writing them a letter and telling them to sod off.

One evening, while Mum, Shay and I were having dinner, we finally brought up the topic I'd been dreading.

"What about all those Daily Prophet reports, eh?" Mum asked. "Have you been reading them Sara?"

I nodded. "I have. Horrible things they've been writing about poor Harry. I wish they'd just believe him."

"What?" Mum's eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" I asked her, now confused by her reaction.

"Wait Sara, you don't.......actually believe Harry.... do you?" Shay asked me timidly.

I blinked. "Well, yes. I do."

Mum laughed. "You're joking, right? Sara, please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not." I was starting to get irritated. "Why would Harry lie about this?"

"I don't know, he just.... he's Harry Potter! He's famous! It's getting to his head." Shay said angrily.

"I know Harry more than you do Shay! I've talked to him loads of times, and even spent the summer with him last year!"

"You're being stupid Sara." Mum stabber at her diner.

"No! You are!"

She gasped. "How dare you speak to your mother like that-"

"I don't care!" I seethed.

"You are believing a stupid delusional boy! he got his in the head to hard or something!" Mum screamed.


Shay was looking torn, his eyes swinging back and forth between Mum and I.

"Sara. I will not have this nonsense in my house." she said dangerously low.

"Okay. Fine." I stood up from my chair and stalked up to my room.


I ignored her and locked my bedroom door. With a flick of my wand, my trunk opened an all my belongings folded itself and fit itself into the truck. I used my wand to levitate my trunk downstairs, grabbing Floo-Powder while I was at it.

"Where are you going?" Mum cried

"If you don't like my thoughts here, then I'm leaving! I'm out!" I yelled.


"I don't know! The Weasley's! They have more mind than you!"

"Sara, please don't go." Shay pleaded.

But I threw the powder into the fireplace, and yelled "The Burrow!"

The last thing I saw was Shay's sad face, and Mum's angry face, before I spun out of view. I landed heavily in the fireplace of the Burrow, someone screaming.

"HOLY FU- Oh Merlin Sara? What are you doing here?" asked Ron.

I dusted myself off. and ignored his question. "Where's your mother?"

"In the kitchen. With Dumbledore."

I quickly went to the kitchen and saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley with Professor Dumbledore. They turned in surprise to me.

"I didn't know Percy invited you over!" Mrs. Weasley cried, rushing over to hug me.

"He didn't"

"Then why are you here?" she asked. "Not that I'm complaining but-"

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