when you get injured/hurt in a mission (Male! Reader)

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(Ghost): This man's heart breaks when he sees you fall when you got shot in your shoulder. He immediately runs to you and covers you so you both can get to cover. After he treats your wound then gives you a kiss on the lips.

(22 Soap): He panics when he sees you get stabbed, but he knows your strong, but he immediately kills the person with a throwing knife. Once yall get to base everyone is worried even Johnny but you turn out fine just a stab wound.

(Cpt/09 Soap): Pulls you to safety when you fall during the shooting and the others cover him while he does, he checks to see if your solid if you're not then he won't let you fight and will carry you if you are then he'll let you fight along.

(König): He will become your protective boyfriend. He brings you to cover and doesn't first use first aide because that's at base, but he does put you sitting up under him it makes you blush, but your leg still hurts.

(Nikolai): When he sees you fall from the gunshot wound in your leg, he immediately says "ДЕРЬМО!Cover me I'll get him!", and rushes over to you pulling you to safety while the others cover for you both.

(Captain Price): He protects you like a mama bear protecting her cubs. He will hold you close not caring if any of your blood gets on him, he will just hold you until you both are safe. The others will cover yall while he gets you to a medic.

(Horangi): "씨발" you hear him say and just when you think you're going to die you feel Horangi pick you up and carry you back into a room starting to treat your wound and make out at the house. ;)

(Gaz): "Price Y/N is down cover me!!!" you hear him say as you feel someone pick you up and bring you to cover. They both are worried because you are Gazs love and the best soldier they have, but you got to a medic in time.

(Roach): He doesn't look mad, but he is. He sets you down by cover and his actions defiantly shows that he's mad. Price has to calm him down while you were in the hospital, he visits you every now and then.

(Alejandro): "MIERDA!!" you hear him curse in Spanish as you feel him pick you up. he asks, "You ok mi amor?" as he sits you down as much as you wanted to smack him in the head you didn't respond.

(Rodolfo): "Que mi cubran mientras lo consigo" he says as he runs to you and brings you to cover as he uses his firearm to hold your hand while Alejandro treats your wound.

(Set before graves betrayal) Bonus (Graves): The shadows will cover yall while he brings you to cover and lets the others take care of you because he has no idea for first aide, but he does hold your hand while you get taken care of.



씨발- fuck


Que mi cubran mientras lo consigo!-fuck cover me while i get him

Mi amor- my love

COD one shots/senarios x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now