The jealous ex friend

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It's been awhile and he hasn't been answering my texts.

I decided to get ready and pick up some coffee and meet him at where he usually goes for work.

I get ready and leave the apartment and hop into my car.

I get coffee and drive to his work. I arrived and got out of my car and entered.

The workers there knew who I was since I came there often as support since I became friends with Jack.

I say "hello" and wave at everyone.

"Hey do you know where Jack is I brought him some coffee?"

"Uh no he hasn't showed up he took today off he said something came up, did he not mention that to you?" One of the actors replied.

"Oh uhm yah I remember sorry I had a brain fart, thanks for the help bye!" I quickly rushed out of the place and ran to my car trying not to spill the coffee everywhere.

I get in my car sitting the coffee down and grab the wheel thinking.

"Where is he? He said something came up I assumed he meant work..?" I overthink the situation.

"'Maybe he is at the beach where we got together..?!" I say before pulling out and drive to the beach.

"I hope he is here..."

I arrive at the beach and got out leaving my stuff in the car and went to the place where we watched the stars, no jack, I continue walking looking around calling his name, no answer.

I go back to my car and get in thinking and wondering why he isn't responding, I try to call him, no answer.

I sit in my car shaking because I am scared something happened to him, then I realized maybe he post?

I open insta, twitter, TikTok, and checked for anything new, nothing, I open snap and seen he left his location on.

I sit my phone up in my car and drive to his location at it says he was at 10 minutes ago.

I arrived at the destination and it's a restaurant, not a fancy one, I look confused.

I put on a black hoodie I had and got out of my car, I peeked in the window of the restaurant where no one could see me.

There he is! But who is she? IS THAT ___?? My jealous ex best friend. She spread lies about me on social media because she was jealous I was hanging out with Jack and his friends.

I look closer and see her flirting and him not saying anything? Maybe he oblivious?
Then she grabs his hand but he doesn't move! WHAT THE FUCK!

I ran back to my car and took the hoodie off and fixing myself so I can make an entire and act as if I had no clue who he was.

I fix myself up and walk inside the restaurant, no eye contact with jack but I can feel him looking at me.

I order some food and take a sit at the other end of the restaurant where Jack is in clear view.

I get my phone out but out of the corner of my eye I can see Jack say something and then get up walking towards me.

I pay no attention to him and scroll through my phone.

"What are you doing here.?" He asks me seeming suspicious and confused.

"Huh..? Oh sorry didn't see you there who are you?" I ask him with a straight face.

"It's Jack your boyfriend? Are you ok?" He asks seemingly genuinely confused and concerned.

"I am sorry you must have the wrong person I am not with someone? And I think you mean pretty girl over there." I say to him pointing at ___ the girl who he was basically flirting with.

He continues to grab my arm and drag me outside to the parking lot. I hear the worker say my order but I was drag out of the restaurant before I could say anything.

"Why did you say that?" He ask seeming pissed but sad and the same time.

"Oh I am sorry you left me on delivered for hours, didn't say were you went, and flirted with my ex bsf" I say crossing my arms with and angry and sad look on my face.

"My phone died because I didn't charge it after this morning, and I was at my friends house.  Someone from his family died and he needed comfort so it was kinda personal. I wasn't flirting with her I just don't know what to do in situations like that she was threatening me." He replies angrily.

"Oh..." I look at him with sorrow. "I-.." I try to say sorry before he interrupts me.

"No stop I know what your gonna say and I don't want to hear it...I would never cheat on you, I love you with everything in my body, I would die for you, you're everything to me and you have been since I first meet you, I love you Y/N and I always have and I always will..." he says putting his hands on my shoulders.

I hug him tight and say sorry on repeat. "I love you too but I am genuinely sorry for overthinking and being a toxic girlfriend". I say as tears roll down my face.

He lifts my chin up and looks at me with a slight smile as he wipes my tears.

"Your not toxic you just overthink I get why you would have thought I left you for someone else but I would never all I want is you.." he say hugging me back.

THE END..! (If you want more like this more for me to continue this follow me and comment some ideas!)

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