Chapter 1 - Intro

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Yang Jeongin runs through the halls at top speed.

Though his top speed certainly wasn't much with his short legs. Nevertheless he ran like his life depended on it.

Completely disregarding the obvious no running in the hallways rule. But who the hell cares when the seconds were ticking away.

His backpack bounces up and down behind him as the bell lets out it's ring of failure.

Great I'm late again.

Knowing that he was bound with punishment and it was too late, Jeongin returns to his normal pace.

Snail speed.

The hallways were empty, everyone here was a goodie two shoes and was never late. Everyone probably seated at their desks pulling their MacBook 73 pro max out their designer backpacks. Probably saying 'present' when their name gets called for attendance.

The boy lets out a long and exaggerated sigh. He wasn't even half way through the day yet. Slowly regaining his energy through barely picking up his feet while walking, he arrives at his class at a record breaking 6 minutes late.

And so that's how he ended up here at the end of the day.

In the room of hell some call it.

Where if you get sent there once then your chances at Ivy League colleges are non exsistent.

Jeongin simply calls it detention but I guess this school is too elite for that.

He was the only person ever here, besides his best friend who occasionally gets sent here with him.

He was here a lot.

So often even the detention teacher would simply take a fat nap because she didn't care anymore.

I mean what was I going to do while she sleeps?
Jump out a window or something?

It's like a lightbulb illuminates in the boys head. His head shoots up with a smug smile placed on his lips as he looks around for moment. The classroom was empty. Just him and his sleeping teacher.

And of course, a wide open window.

Jeongin shuts his eyes tightly and counts down in his head, hoping the sound won't wake the teacher.

On the count of three, he throws his backpack out, causing the teacher to let out an extra large snore.

Jeongin freezes, praying this wasn't going to be the end of him and this teacher wasn't about to wake up and suspend his ass.

Once confirming a few breaths later that he was indeed not in that danger. He throws himself out the window following his backpack.

And he books it.

Running away from the building, not even looking back at the window to see if the teacher had woken up.

A smile of victory plastered on his lips as he makes out the gates and officially out of school.

His phone vibrates in his pocket reminding him that this was indeed not a dream and he really was the man for this great escape.

Returning to a comfortable pace on the sidewalks toward his house, he pulls out his phone to see a notification from one of his best friends.

Favourite ferret 🫶🫶

> Innie you down for dinner tonight?
> Seungmin said he'll bring his rich friend
so you don't have to pay this time.

Arranged - JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now