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nobody had reached out to one another, well, my brother did tell me he didn't want me in his house anymore.

so I was with Michael, a lot.

a new semester was starting in college so every morning I was up at the crack of dawn going to school.

The days had started to blend in kinda.

every day me and Michael get up, he takes me to school, go make a couple sells, pick me up from school, i cook, we sleep.

I didn't wanna say I was getting bored because apart of me still felt guilty for all that had taken place.

I couldn't paint either, without a outlet I got....repetitive.

Right now I was currently in class, not focused but focused enough. Teyshawn had to leave in a week or 2. I could feel the tension between him and Michael even after Michael thanked him for stopping him.

Michael would surprise me occasionally but it was through money most of the time. He had me spoiled a big excessively, purse after purse, watch after watch, hell he even bought me a puppy.

To make up for lost time, I think it was my favorite because it was for emotional support as well.

Before I knew it my final class was over, as I walked outside I noticed Michael wasn't there, but what I did notice was somebody in a car with tinted windows hop out and give me the most odd stare.

The man was fine but I was happy with Michael, he fulfilled me.

I watched as one of the girls from my class hopped in his car, not before they exchanged a very deepened kiss. I had seen the girl a few months prior, she was...loud.

A call from Michael interrupted me.


"Yea I'm on my way, I got carried away with a few things, I got a surprise for you also."

I sighed.

"Baby if it's another van cleef-

"Shhhh, it's none of my usual spoils, I've noticed with school and my sells we haven't had time to just go out and do us."

"So what do you have planned ?"

"You'll have to find out when we get there gorgeous."

I was excited. Bouncing off the walls maybe.

Too much ?

I saw Michaels car pull up. He got out and as I walked towards him, he opened the door and kissed me on cheek.

Before he started the car he paused and looked at me, "You know you pretty as hell right? Like sometimes I'm just amazed, won't God do it. GOD DID." He yelled the last part out the window.

I sunk into the seat of embarrassment as butterflies filled my stomach.

He had this goofy smile on his face too.

"Michaelllll." I groaned and he pulled off the lot smiling.

"You beautiful baby, gotta let the word know." He said and I rolled my eyes. He was awfully happy.

"What's got you smiling ear to ear?"

He put his head to the side and fake sighed, "Oh nothing, maybe my talented girlfriends who's painting might be at the best art exhibit in New York right now."

My eyes lit up, and I was too shocked to even say a word.

"You're lying."

He looked at me, "watch this."


"That's mine ?"

"That's yours." He assured.

"Right now you're for thousand dollar bid."

"But I haven't even, I mean I submitted a few pieces but I didn't think this would happen." I said frantically.

To help me with my school fees I figured I'd start selling my paintings. I didn't let Michael know that all the fees from college was kicking my ass.

I watched as Michael tapped some white ladies shoulder.

"Would you mind taking a picture of me and my lady?"

She gave him that fake smile and said yes. He was more excited than me.

He grabbed my hand and had me face the painting, I rested my head on his shoulder.




He grabbed the phone and told the lady thanks before kissing me passionately.

"I'm so proud of you my love."

I looked up at him, "Thank you for making this possible."

"Thank you for coming into my life."

"Cmon let's go to our next destination"


We pulled up to a park, he let me out the car and grabbed a blanket and a whole bucket of snacks with wings stop and his MacBook.

This was his surprise and I was once again excited.

I followed behind him all giddy as he found a spot for us to relax, right underneath a tree, far away from the rest of the world.

He had made me the happiest girl twice in one day.

"What are we watching?" I asked.

He opened up his laptop, "Rio"

I laughed softly, this was his favorite movie. He was such a child.

I sat in his lap grabbing a few snacks.

"I love you." I whispered. He kissed my exposed shoulder, "I love you more shordy"

"Forever?" I asked.

I watched as he pulled something from his pocket, it was a ring, that had a very pretty lavender color to it.

It was beautiful.


"Forever and after. I will search for you in every universe, in every realm, I will crave your existence, your energy. I'm never letting go. So don't let go of me Solàna. Hang on forever...please."

My eyes watered as chills washed over me, I turned to face him to see his eyes watery.

"Oh Michael." I whispered softly as he placed the promise ring on my finger.

"There's only one person i place above you and that's the man above. Given that, he told me to take care of you, heal you, I will do all that and more."

and it hit me. I hadn't prayed in a while.

"May we Pray?" I asked and he smiled holding my hands.

"Heavenly Father," our eyes both clothes, "please watch over our relationship. Guide us into the best possible place of peace. Lord I also ask that you give us strength to overcome anything. I know that Solàna is very stubborn and can have the worst attitudes ever,"I giggled softly, "Butt...It is all worth it, you have sent me an Angel Lord and I won't take it for granted, In Jesus name we pray,"



Authors note

~ felt like a calm chapter was needed

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