𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢

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The phone line runs flat as David hangs up, and Exer lingers in the call for a little longer than he should. Hoping for a voice, a sign. Nothing comes. He thumps back against his mattress, laying flat and staring up at the pale ceiling. He imagines David doing the same, their existences mirrored in transience but achieving immortality in his mind.

He knows what David is doing, the self-sabotage, the destruction. Exer knows all about that, he's been there himself.

And after David left his house three weeks ago, his face blank as he got into his mother's car, Exer wanted to understand him, to help him. He could feel David's coldness on their phone calls, the way he pulled back. And it pained him, Exer hated how David was taking on the guilt from this situation.

Exers magic would flip every time William's face appeared in his mind, puffy eyes, the cruelness of his laugh, he debated going over there and making him pay for what he did to David. But he knew that it would just make things worse. Exer's dad told him that David is processing and that he needs space. He even gave Exer a few books to read on the subject.

But sometimes Exer ponders the other possibility, that maybe David needs love instead of space. Maybe he needs care and affection.

Exer stops overthinking, he's not going to lose David, he's not going to let him pull back.

. . . . . . . . .

The door makes a hollow echo as Exer knocks on it. Sending the noise through Miller's house. He waits on the doorstep, hearing Ms. Miller yells at David to get the door, a few seconds pass and then it swings open. David's face greets him, and the first thing Exer notices is the pale purple bags under David's surprised eyes, he hasn't been sleeping.

"Exer?" David staggers, voice low. And Exer just wants to hug him, but Davis's mom comes up from behind.

"Exer! What a surprise, how are you?" She says, beaming at him.

"I'm good Ms. Miller-"

"Oh please, call me Christine,"

"Okay," Exer pauses and offers a small smile, "I was just wondering if I could speak with David?"

David pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, he looks between his mother and Exer.

"Sure hun, come in, come in!" she practically drags him through the door.

"I just finished making dinner and Brenda is at Pam's, how about you stay? Im sure David would love the company," she smiles,

"Wait Mom-" David looks at him,

"I'd love to, if that's okay," He returns David's gaze, looking for confirmation

David nods quietly.

"Perfect! David gets Exer a placemat," David's shoulders slump low as he walks to the


. . . . . . . . .

The dinner goes well, In Exer's opinion, but despite the food being lovely and Christine being kind, Exer can't wait for it to be over. He wants to speak with David, alone preferably. He rarely spoke a word during the meal.

Exer doesn't know how much Christine knows about William, but he assumes not a lot.

He takes his plate to the sink,

"Do you need any help cleaning?" He asks, flashing his perfect smile, he's always been great with parents.

"Oh, You're too sweet! But I've got it covered," she says, then delays for a moment, "Your father must be worried sick, we've kept you for so long,"

"It's no worries, he's actually away, showing his book in New York,"

Christine quirks up, "How exciting," her eyes then pop open with an idea, "How about you stay the night? We'd be happy to have you, and it's better than being home alone. How about it?"

Exer shoves his hands in his jeans pockets, chewing on the idea,

"I wouldn't want to intrude," he looks to David, but his eyes are pulled to the floor.

"Nonsense, plus we have a spare lf everything, right pumpkin?"

David looks up finally, his expression is neutral, but Exer thinks he sees hope lingering in the young lines of his face.

"Yeah," he says quietly.

"Great, sleepover!" She says excitedly, and David rests his hand on the nape of his neck, looking away from embarrassment, but Exer likes Christine's exitedness, her kindness. He's happy knowing that David is with her now.

As Christine finishes cleaning up, Exer takes the time to observe their house, everything is clean, and the big windows surrounding the door lets evening light fill the space. The only thing out of place is a dead leaf on the floor of the living room, fallen from a vase of lilacs.

Exer is pulled out of concentration as David tugs on his arm, yanking him into the hallway.

"What are you doing here?" He whispers quickly, the light is dim in the hall, framing David's face with a shadow.

"I just wanted to see you, okay? I've missed you."

"But I was so- I was rude to you on the phone, why would you come over?" David asks, his face contorted in question like he's so puzzled as to why Exer would ever be here.

"I didn't think you'd ever come over again,"

Exer almost wants to laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement, had David really thought that? Does he think I don't care? Exer muses.

The silence hangs heavy between them, and Exer doesn't know what to say, so he does the only thing he can. He just leans forward and hugs him. It's firm and safe, and David lets his hands hang in suspension for a few seconds before clinging onto him too. His fingers graze Exer's back and dig lightly into his shoulders. He hears David puff out air before burying his head into the crook of Exer's neck.

David smells like lavender soap and vanilla, and Exer's arms tighten around him.

"I'm always here for you, even if you push me away. I'm not going anywhere," Exer says, voice silvery and thin. David's heart begins to pound in his chest, beating against the cloth of their shirts.

"I'm sorry for being a dick," David says, head still buried in their embrace. It's quiet after that, but the god kind. A smile slips across their faces and then laughter spills out not soon after.

I'm not going to leave, I'm not going to give up on you.

Exer says through their touch, he hopes David can hear. 


This is honestly my least favorite chapter, but I hope you like it! Comments and feedback are always encouraged.

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