1. Beacon Hills

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Lucy POV

I stared at my reflection, I didn't recognize myself anymore. The fake happiness didn't reach my eyes even though I have been smiling until my jaw began to hurt.

It's been one year, why does it hurt like this? Why does it hurt being human. Sometimes I wish I felt nothing at all .

It's been one year since my parents passed away. I have been staying with my aunt Teresa from my mother's side. Last week I found out I'm moving with my uncle, Noah Stilinski. I didn't ask about the reason why, I knew very well that I would be a burden now that she lives with her new boyfriend.

My aunt talked a lot about how I would make new friends and how I would enjoy being in my new school in 'Beacon Hills' .

I have been there before with my parents. Maybe three summers when I was little. I don't remember well their faces.

I used to play with my cousin Stiles. I only remember he had a weird name something that starts with the letter 'M' , but everyone called him Stiles.

The buss dropped me at the police station. It was my uncle 's job. As soon as I entered inside one of the deputies came towards me with a worried expression.

"How can I help you?" The guy waited helding his breath .

"Can I see sheriff Stilinski? " I asked politely.

"Wait here." The guy rushed into some office then got out and signaled for me me to go in his direction.

As soon as I entered the office I was welcomed by two green warm eyes.

"Hello uncle." I smiled feeling relieved. I don't know why this man's presence made me feel calm and protected.

"Lucinda?" My uncle came towards me with his arms open, hugging me.

"You recognized me." I smiled.

"Well I talked to your aunt, I was waiting for you. You must be tired, I will call Stiles to come and take you home. I finish late work tonight."

"It's ok. How are you ? How is Stiles?" I tried to engage in the conversation.

"Good, we are good. Can you wait for me here , I'll call Stiles . " Without finishing his sentence a noise was heard from out of the office .

"Wait here." He said in a stern voice.

I wasn't interested in what was going on, in fact. That was a police station, maybe someone who committed some crime was making noises.

I changed my mind when in the office came in two boys , probably my age or older than me.

"Scott you are the true alpha, think about it.." One of the boys spoke then stopped as soon as he saw me .

'What is a true alpha? ' I wanted to ask but I didn't. Maybe they were like those boys who called themselves machos , or maybe the players . I didn't move from my seat, they stared and I stared back. Until one of the boys earned a slap in the back of his head by my uncle.

"Stiles , why don't you meet your cousin , Lucinda!?" My uncle used a harsh tone.

" Lucinda? As in Lucinda? Little Lucy? " The guy who was supposed to be Stiles started talking nonsense .

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