5. She won't know

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Derek POV

The tension between us was unbearable , my body craved for her, my lips craved for her lips. It was like I missed kissing her even if I had never kissed her before. She stared at me with her dark black eyes and all I wanted to do was hold her in my chest to never loose her .

Was that the mate thing Deaton said? I never felt that before, not even with Page, my first love.

One little touch from her was enough to drive me crazy and loose control. I crushed my lips hungrily at her lips. I couldn't stop, I couldn't refrain my self . I wanted her. I needed her .


Lucy POV

Have you ever had someone near physically and you craved for their touch? Even if one finger of them touched you , you feel a thousand unexplained feelings. The worst is that you like those feelings, you want that touch more than anything else at that moment. You want that person.

Derek was breathing near my face as if he was fighting in his mind. His eyes changed colour again from green to blue , the next second his lips were on mine.

It was like I found a piece of my body that was lost, and I didn't know until that moment.

His hands moved freely over my body, it was like he was touching a map. One of his hands ended on the low of my back the other on my face. He caressed my cheek with his thumb.

I wanted to cry, I found my missing parts. It was like I found my home. My eyes filled with tears even though they were closed.

But my mood changed very fast as soon as we parted from each other's lips and he spoke again.

"What are you? What did you do to me? Are you a banshe, druid , werewolf, Kanima? "

"What?!" Was all I could say. Was he serious ? He just kissed me and now he asked me If I put some freaking spell on him. Didn't he feel what I felt?

He took some steps back and his ignoring face came back.

"Stop whatever you're doing to me! I will discover this game of yours soon! Stop acting so innocent. " He continued looking me in the eye using those offensive words.

" Am I a werewolf? Druid and what was the other word? Do werewolves exist? Why are you asking me those things? What did I do to you? I don't even know you. This is the third time that you come in front of me. You are the one who comes to me, not me Derek. I don't care to act innocent or any other thing in front of you! I don't have to convince you about anything, because I don't want to. If you don't have any other offensive comment or fantasy question you may leave. "

I tried to prevent my self from crying , after he left not saying anything else I bursted into tears. Why was his opinion so important to me, why did I care about what he thought or said?


Derek POV

I ruined everything. It was supposed to feel better, but I felt bad. I think I hurt her. Why did I care if I made her feel bad? I shouldn't think of her, I shouldn't feel bad.

..... ...

We had to tell sheriff Stilinski about his niece. Deaton, me , Stiles and Scott went to his office. We didn't have any proof Stiles used mountain ash and wolfsbane near her , she definitely wasn't a werewolf.

"I don't care if you think she is Derek's mate, no one will tell her about this or any of the things related to the supernatural world. She just lost her parents one year ago , I can't allow myself to put her in danger. She will not have knowledge about werewolves. ".

Sheriff Stilinski made it clear for us that she should stay out of everything. And I should stay far from her. Why didn't I like this thought?

"I'm with sheriff. She isn't my mate anyway. " I stated irritated.

"So you don't feel anything when you are next to her? " Deaton asked me.

I felt a lot of things. " No , nothing. Just because you say it's my mate I'm not supposed to feel attracted to her."

Fake. I was attracted so much that even the thought of her made me excited.

I left the office and I heard Scott saying "He is lying, his heartbeat changed." When I left but I didn't return to argue about it.

" When I left but I didn't return to argue about it

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