In Conclusion...

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The beginning of this chapter gave me a stubborn fight, but I got it down.

Theo's every nerve burned. He had heard many gruesome tales of the torture curse, but had never expected to be on the receiving end. Or the casting end, if he could help it.

His father had gone on in detail, about the unforgivable curses, waxing on about the power and conviction needed to cast any of them, insisting that someday he would teach Theo how to do it. Theo hadn't wanted to then, he definatly didn't want to now.

When Quirrell- no. When the Dark Lord, had said the incantation, Theo had prepared himself for pain, but there was no way to prepare for that kind of pain. It was indescribable, and terrifying. He was glad, and lucky, the teachers had come when they did.

Now he lay in the hospital wing, his entire body aching.

He could hear Madam Pomfrey speaking to someone near the door, though he couldn't see either of them past the curtains around his bed.

"Fine!" Madam Pomfrey said at last, sounding stern, but not unkind, "ten minutes only. Then you both need to rest."

Theo wondered who she was talking to. He didn't wait long before the curtain opened long enough to admit Harry.

He looked horrible, Theo noted. His face was pale, his eyes looked red, and his hair was in a worse tousle than usual. His hands were shaking as well. Something had upset him, Theo didn't think the teachers had told anyone what had happened to him, but maybe Harry had overheard something.

This seemed proven true, when Harry climbed on the hospital bed to hug him, holding him tightly, but gently.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

Which confused Theo. Harry didn't have anything to do with what had happened. Why was he apologizing?

Moving his arms felt like fire was melting his veins, even with the pain potion Pomfrey had given him before, but he returned Harry's hug. Not quite ready to try talking through his sore throat, he tried to put everything he couldn't say into the embrace, glad his best friend was here.

Theo heard the curtain shifting again. Looking up, he saw Hermione slip into the enclosed space the movable barrier created.

"I heard the prefects talking. Are you alright?" She asked softly, stepping closer.

Despite feeling like boiled cabbage, doused in hot sauce and lava, Theo nodded, as Harry pulled away, tears sliding down his face.

"I'm sorry." He said again.

Theo shook his head, pulling the sleeve of his pajama shirt over his fingers and gently wiping away Harry's tears.

"What do you have to be sorry for, Harry?" Hermione asked gently, coming around the other side of the bed, and sitting down on the edge, so she and Harry sat on either side of Theo.

"I-I... I saw it happen." He said quietly, looking at Theo, who stilled in surprise and concern.

Why had Harry been there?

"I was in the common room," His eyes dropped to his lap, where his fingers twisted around themselves in nervous knots, his voice barely audible.

"My scar started hurting, and suddenly I was there. Watching him- I-I-..."

He was crying again, Theo felt his stomach drop as he watched Harry begin to curl in on himself, his right hand tracing an odd pattern on his arm, as if feeling for something through his sleeves.

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