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・゚: *・゚:*    *:・゚*:・゚
Nobodys pov

it was 6am you and Sabrina got up early and quietly for practice to make sure to not wake everyone up

Javier , Julian and Memo were just gonna meet you at the stadium , you were looking forward to your game but you were not looking forward to facing kevin but it was for the best. The good thing is you and emilio will finally be happy together after this.

you and sabrina got into the car and drove to the stadium since the game was like at 2 which was pretty early for a game. As you parked you both checked in and changed in the locker room

Kiana: holaa listas para hoy?
Katty: si hoy tenemos que ganar
Sabrina: vamosss a ganar
Kiana: entonces jennifer como vas con el emilio y kevin
Jennifer: pues yo y sabrina think that hes gonna ask me to be his girlfriend later!
Kiana: ayy que bueno y el kevin?
Jennifer: pues le voy a decir que pues perdón pero yo a el que amo es a emilio
katty: lo que estas asiendo esta bien jenni so that you dont keep leading kevin on
Sabrina: si es lo que yo le dije
Jennifer: bueno pues estoy emocionada para jugar y ustedes
sabrina: sii y nos van a venir a ver-


everyone just rolled there eyes

Kiana: bueno pues a darle con todo

after many many hours of hard training the stadium finally started filling up meaning that el equipo varonil would be here any minute

"Jennifer!!!" you turned and saw Julian and Javier waving at you and they were wearing your jersey you were really happy because you thought Javier wasn't gonna end up wearing it , memo however got a custom one with your and Sabrina's name on it

Sabrina: ay que lindos
Jennifer: si verdad

Katty: mira

she said pointing at the seats that were now getting filled by up el equipo varonil where you spotted emilio and kevin wearing your jersey

Sabrina: ay no
Jennifer: im gonna try to ignore that till the end of the game
Katty: yeah thats the best thing you can do right now
Jennifer: pero ay que lindo Alejandro se puso la playera de sabrina
Sabrina: se me olvido decir les que me pregunto ayer si quiera ser su novia y le dije que si!

you , katty and Kiana ran and hugged her

Jennifer: ayy que bueno sabrina te lo mereces
Sabrina:muchas gracias las amo mucho a todas


you got in a line behind kiana since she was captain of course

you , kiana , sabrina and katty were all in the starting lineup as usual

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The national anthem was sang and finally the whistle was blown

commentators: pelota para enciso a quien se la pasa aquí viene martínez , martinez para Hernandez , hernandez con el disparo y GOOLLL DEL AMERICAA

you ran around celebrating with your team this was the perfect way to start the game

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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