𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭

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Travis Crashaws pov (murderer #1)

"What.... exactly happened?".

"I...I fed her...then I got us both drunk and...we ended up kissing and I..fingered her and...".

"What the actual fuck? Why? Did you...like do it on purpose?".

"Yes...no?..why the hell am I getting interrogated? Where the hell have you been this past week?".

My brother had the nerve to interrogate me as if he wasn't gone for almost a week and comes back without saying anything like that's even remotely normal.

"This isn't about me" my brother was throwing his little tantrum, and yet deep down this wasn't about either of us it's about that whole situation.

"It should be, why does it matter what I do with her?" Staring at him I wait for an answer, I had heard them talking and was sure he was jealous, he wanted it to be him rather than me I just knew it.

"It doesn't..." His turn away from mine and I know he wasn't telling the full truth.

A month keeping cara here has changed us both heavily. Niether of us had clearly planned on keeping her here forever but it felt like a plan we were both thinking of because...shit wasn't sure. It could have been from loving the fact that her father was crumbing, the fact that we had control over someone else's lives, or the fact that cara was growing on us both we just didnt want to admit it and fuck did I hate it.

"I've gotta go" my brother stands up quickly and suddenly, not even looking back as he heads out of the basement, slamming the door behind him.

Later that night he hadn't come back and I knew he wouldn't, he was throwing yet another tantrum.

Fucking child.

Heading downstairs into the basement I was regretting seeing her again, seeing her face had brought up many things I didn't even want to think about and did anyways.

I could see her through the window, curled up into a ball as she stares at her hands in her lap.

Unlocking the door I step inside, turning the lights up brighter.

She meets my eyes and looks away, embarrassment hidden beneath them.

"Hey.." I was beyond stupid, I didn't even know what to say to her. Normally I could say whatever I wanted but for some reason I was speechless.

She doesn't answer, she simply stares back at me.

"Look I'm.." the words disappear before I could even say the word "sorry", I wasn't even sorry. Why would I be?

"What? Sorry?" She laughed at me, as if I wasn't capable of saying it.

"No...fuck i was going to say I was...but why would I?".

She stands up, not believing the words that slipped out of my mouth. Stepping closer she can only go so far before getting stopped with the chains that attached her to the floor.

"Oh your right...you don't need to be sorry! You just kidnapped me, starved me-"

"Starved you? You didn't want to eat that's your fucking choice that you made!" I yell, I couldn't believe she was trying to blame me for something she didn't do.

"Who knows what you put in that fucking food....after all you like taking advantage of people...isn't that right?" She smirked, feeling satisfied with herself.

"Do I? All you had to do was say no to the alcohol and I wouldn't have given you any...what the fuck do you mean?" I step towards her, anger radiating off of me heavily.

"No...I don't have a choice in anything..I'm here against my will remember?".

I laugh coldly.

"I gave you an opportunity to leave.. remember? You didn't fucking leave!" I snap, my anger rising through the roof. I had unchained her, she could have left, and yet she stayed.

"I was drunk! What the fuck-"

"You were drunk and yet you knew exactly where the front door was, you stayed. And do you want to know why?" We're inches away, bodies away from each other and I know I've got her, she couldn't blame me for this.

"Yeah? Why? Tell me since you know everything."

"You wanted me to kiss you didn't you?" I simply ask, the anger burning into a different sensation.

"No I didn't!."

"Could have left...you stayed. You kissed me back...you touched my neck-"

"I know what I fucking did! What's your point?" She screamed, tears in her eyes.

"The point is....deep down you wanted it too" I breath out, the air suddenly thicker than before. She doesn't speak, her eyes just bore into mine roughly and I wait for her to speak, Instead she doesn't, instead she shakes her head.

"Your sick....just.." she chokes on a sob and backs away, sitting on the mattress as she cries softly, turning her face away from mine.

I was sick....but for some reason I couldn't help but wonder...did she feel the same way I did?

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now