Chapter 2

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The next day rolled in quickly and I was in the grey skirt and burgundy blazer of my uniform before I knew it. It was a cold rainy day and the drops didn't stop until six o clock that morning. I'd been taken to school a little earlier than usual because Kiara and her fiancee had this really important meeting to catch up with so they had to drop me off and leave for the airport. They promised to be back before the end of the week with more information on the wedding party and Kiara had left me with a lot of choices on colors and locations because my decision would mean a lot.

I sat close to the entrance, realizing how much of a coincidence this would be because Carlo always came early and fate, this time would bring us together. I waited on the bench right outside where I could get the perfect view of his known parking spot. I didn't know what to say to him and whatever confidence I had, I was hoping it would lead to something good.

When I saw Carlo's car pull up, I left my static position to the exact same place I got snubbed by him the day before like a dog going back to its vomit. He sat on the driver's seat with earbuds plugged in just like yesterday and suddenly the whole thing looked like deja vu. My shadow hovering over his car was enough to draw his attention and the moment he looked up at me, there was only one thing I could capture from his entire face and that was the dark circles under his eyes. It wasn't too much and I probably was only seeing it because I was up close and it wasn't like the twenty second conversation we had the day before.

It's weird that something that looked so unusual and unhealthy complemented his aura and not just that, it made his pale skin look more like paper. It took a few seconds and we were just stuck there like we were frozen in time. I trying to understand why he looked this way and his blue eyes bouncing around my face trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Hello Carlo, I'm Scarlett, your Biology partner"

"Say that again and you'll make me believe you're a robot"

"Sorry" I laughed, probably for the first time in school cause there was never a reason for me to smile or even laugh in such an institution. I didn't know if it was because of the cold or not but it came out sounding like a strangled cat and the furrowed eyebrows of Carlo showed I'd made quite the impression.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry. I came for the project we're supposed to do as partners. Together"

"I told you I'll have it submitted by Friday"

"No, we'll do it together cause that's why we're partners"

His eyes went over me from top to bottom and then back up, almost like he was looking at a trash can but I wouldn't blame him though, that's probably what I get for having my skirt right at my knees while the other girls had theirs shorter. My blazers came up to my knuckles and thick rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of my nose and as if that wasn't enough, I had an explosion for hair and metal wires across my teeth.

"Listen Penelope_"

"No, you got it wrong. My name is Scarlett Sky, you will not call me Penelope"

He looked at me again and this time I could almost feel my esteem drop to the rock bottom and that never happened cause I never cared about the thoughts of other school kids but his just felt different. It almost felt like I was a piece of meat presented to a king.

"I'm not interested in you" I blurted out without thinking "If that's what you're thinking, this will be over the moment we're done with the project"

"No one said anything about being interested, it's only if you truly are interested in me" He paused "Scarlett Sky"

"I'm not, okay? Never have, never will be. Why am I even talking about this? Can we just fix a date and a place to meet"

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