Arrival/Meeting New People

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We had driven from my cabin in Vermont to a private airport in New Hampshire. The drive had been mostly quiet, there were a few complaints about Missy's excitement in the car, but other than that it had been a silent drive. We pulled into the airport, where a sleek black private jet sits on the runway. Two men wearing black uniforms stand on either side of the stairs leading into the jet, one having a gnarly scar running down the left side of his face, revealing some teeth. Harry and Caveira get out of the car, prompting me to do the same.

I grab my bags and walk towards the jet, Missy close behind. I follow behind the two Rainbow members, and give a nod to the uniformed guards. Me and Missy make our way the the lounge area where Harry and Caveira are. I sit down on a the white leather couch, a few feet away from Harry and Caveira. Missy jumps up on the couch and lays with me, usually I would tell her to get down, but she's never been on a plane and she'll probably freak out once we takeoff.

Pilot on intercom: "All passengers buckle your seat belts as we take off."

I see both Harry and Caveira reach over to the wall, and pull the seat belt strap in between the couch cushions. I look around at the wall till I find the strap, and buckle it.

Y/n: "Heh, that's kinda cool." I say to no one in particular.

I feel the jet start moving across the runway, gradually gaining speed. I pick up Missy and place her on my lap. I lay my right arm over her, and grip the strap to keep her in place. The plane lifts up and ascends into the blue sky of New Hampshire. Missy begins to whine as my ears pop, and I quickly pet her soothingly.

Pilot on intercom: "Feel free to remove your seat belts and roam the cabin, and enjoy the flight to Hereford."

Y/n: "I'm assuming that's where the CTU is?" I unbuckle, keeping an arm on Missy to keep her calm.

Harry: "Correct, once we get there we'll get you settled in." Harry grabs a small complimentary water bottle as a stewardess with a cart walks by.

I nod and kindly reject the stewardess as she comes by with the cart.

Harry: "When we get there, we'll have to do some preparations before you are able to officially go into the field." He takes a sip of water, and places it on the glass coffee table close to the couch.

I give him a confused look, to which he nods his head and begins to elaborate.

Harry: "it's just a thing that's been done ever since Rainbow was created, nothing too crazy."

Caveira sits in silence, not much of surprise.

Y/n: "mind telling me what these preparations are?" I pet Missy as I talk with Harry.

Harry: "Operators have to create an emblem, and a gadget that helps in the field." He says nonchalantly, and does some sort of cool guy thing as he puts both his arms on the back of the couch.

Y/n: "Ooooo, fancy." I lean back as my sarcastic remark makes Harry chuckle a bit.

The plane ride to Herefordshire took about seven hours, seven hours of awkward silence and Missy's occasional whimpering. It took another half hour to get from the private airport to the Rainbow Six base, and by the time we got there the sun was setting. I have to admit though, the sunset was pretty nice. I'm currently sitting on my bed in the temporary bunk house that I had been given, just until they got my room set up in the main building.

Y/n: "Whatcha say we paint the town, eh girl?" I pet Missy's head, her light blue eyes looking into my light e/c eyes.

I put on her collar and leash, and walk out of the bunk house. The main building was just a few feet away from the recruit's building. Me and Missy walk about halfway before she finds a bush to piss in. After she finishes her business, we make our way to the main door. I use the security badge that Harry gave me, and open the door to walk in. We make our way down the hallways, passing a few numbered doors that are closed. After a bit of walking and getting turned around, I finally find what I'm looking for, the cafeteria. I tie Missy to the table leg, and go over to the kitchen. I rummage around until I find a package of Hot Pockets, and pop one into the microwave.

???: "Those have been in here for over a year now." A female voice says behind me.

I turn around to see a blonde woman a bit shorter than me. Her hairstyle is similar to a pixie bob, but more grown out. She's wearing a blue t-shirt that shows of her tribal arm tattoos, and her baseball sized biceps. Her brown cargo pants, along with military brown combat boots, complete the look she's going for.

Y/n: "Is that so? Anything in this kitchen not a year old?" I ask in a friendly way.

The woman smiles a bit and reaches into the freezer where I got the Hot Pockets, and pulls out a box of dinosaur nuggets.

Y/n: "Fuck yeah! Way better than Hot Pockets!" She chuckles at my joking excitement as I take the pizza pocket out of the microwave, and dump them in the trash.

I grab another plate for my new found food companion, and fill them with ten nuggets each. I put them in the microwave and wait.

Y/n: "And what is the name of my food savior?" I make a chivalrous gesture, getting a few laughs out of the woman with me.

Valkyrie: "I'm Valkyrie, and you're welcome." She smiles and leans against the freezer.

Y/n: "Valkyrie, whatta name," I say in a impressed tone," Makes me wonder your real name."

Valkyrie: "Hmmm, tell you what, if you pass selection I'll tell you." She crosses her arms and looks at me.

Y/n: "Alright, challenge accepted." I turn to the microwave as it goes off, and take the plates of food out.

We walk out of the kitchen, and into the cafeteria. I see Missy sitting by the table, staring right at me with her tounge hanging out of her mouth.

Valkyrie: "Awww, they're so cute!" She says like a highschool girl seeing a cute dog in the park.

I chuckle a bit and sit in a seat across from Valkyrie, and hand her a plate of food.

Y/n: "Thanks, I've had her since I got out of the military." I rub Missy's head and give her a dinosaur nugget before eating for myself.

Valkyrie: "How long you been out?" She takes a bite of a nugget while looking at me.

Y/n: "Four years, got out in 2019." I eat another nugget, and feed Missy one as well.

Valkyrie: "What branch, if you don't mind me asking?" She held her arms while talking to me.

Y/n: "Army, 75th Ranger Regiment." I take a bite out of a Triceratops.

Valkyrie: "Damn, good on ya. You stick with them for your whole career?"

I was about to answer, but a thought came into focus.

Y/n: "Why so many questions?" I lean away from my plate and cross my arms.

She sighs and rubs the back of her neck.

Valkyrie: "Caveira wanted me to look up on you, and I owe her one so I couldn't say no." She says in a defensive tone.

I nod my head and eat another nugget, giving the few left to Missy. I stand up and crumple the plate in my hand.

Y/n: "Pleasure talking to you, Valkyrie."

Valkyrie: "To you as well."

I untie Missy and walk away from the cafeteria, throwing away the crumpled plate in a trashcan in the hallway. I make my way back to the bunk house, and walk in. I take Missy's collar and leash off, and switch from my sweatpants and tank top, to just my boxers. I get into bed, and pull the covers over my stomach, Missy laying near my thighs.

Y/n: "Goodnight, Missy." I pet her head and close my eyes.

Hey there, Azpect here. Thank you for reading if you stuck around this far. Now I'm having some troubles coming up with an emblem idea, gadget, and possibly a love interest. So if y'all have any ideas for any of those, It'd be greatly appreciated.

Azpect out.

The Ripper of Rainbow Six (male reader)Where stories live. Discover now