Chapter 5: Sypha Belnades

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Trevor and I made our way down to the catacombs, where the elderly Speaker had said that his grandchild went. After sliding down a stone ramp, and falling several levels down, we made our way to a large hall. Several guards in heavy armour lay on the ground, very much dead. And ahead of us, we saw a stone form of a Speaker, with their hands raised in a defensive position. Trevor hit the Speaker statue on the head with his blade. 

'Either someone left the statue of a Speaker down here, or...' Trevor began to say. We heard thumping noises, and turned to see several of the blue lights winking out as a monster lurched into view from the shadows. 

'Fuck,' I muttered under my breath. 

'Cyclops!' Trevor cried out as the creature launched a blast at us, and we both ran in opposite directions, hiding behind pillars. 

'Stone-eye cyclops!' I exclaimed. 'Right out of the family bestiary.' 

'God shits in my dinner once again,' I heard Trevor say. The room was quiet for a second after the creature fired another blast. Then the cyclops grabbed Trevor, throwing him to the other side of the room. 

'Trevor!' I screamed, but the creature grabbed me too and flung me up against a pillar. I slumped down to the floor, letting out an involuntary groan of pain. Trevor did too, and then he got up, flinging his blade into the creature. The cyclops stilled for a moment, and then it mindlessly fired another blast at Trevor. His whip soon looped around the blade, tearing it out from the chest of the creature, and then slashing left and right with deadly accuracy. He finally jumped in the air, and while Trevor sailed in midair, he kicked his blade into the head of the cyclops, and it collapsed promptly to the floor. Then the statue began to fall, and he caught the statue in his arms as the stone enchantment faded away. The hood fell away, revealing a female Speaker who stared up at him bleary-eyed. She groaned, and he let her fall to her knees as she vomited. He went over to help me up, and then pulled out his blade from the head of the monster, saying, 

'Granddaughter, then. Ah, I wish Speakers wouldn't do that.'

'Do what?' the woman asked, and she had a thick accent. 

'Dress the girls up like boys,' he said, sheathing the knife. 

 'It's safer when we travel,' she retorted, and I chuckled. 'What happened?' 

'You walked into a cyclops,' I interjected tiredly. 'Turns you to stone with its eyeball, and feeds on your terror while you're trapped in your own body.'

'Did - did you climb on me?' 

'A bit,' Trevor admitted. 

'That was rude,' she replied indignantly, crossing her arms and turning away from him. 

'Excuse me?' 

'Who are you, anyway?' 

'We met your grandfather,' I said. 'He wouldn't leave the city until he had your body. I came down here to recover your remains so the Speakers would go to safety.'

'But the Sleeping Warrior is still down here.'

'There is no Sleeping Warrior,' Trevor bit back, 'just a cyclops waiting for people stupid enough to go looking. It's a trap for gullible Speakers. You're not popular around here.' 

'The old wisdom says the tomb is guarded -' she began to say, but Trevor began to walk away, raising a hand to cut her off. 

'Yeah, yeah. Come on. Time to go home. Come, Alyx.' 

'Coming.' I turned to the girl. 'Your people think you're dead. The least you could do is set that old man's mind to rest.'

'He thinks I'm dead?' 

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