chapter 28

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Harry's eyes opened slowly, they felt heavy, he blinked couple of times before he was able to get them open. It was even harder with that bloody bright light shining in his face. His eyes took a few moments to adapt to the sudden light. The first thing he realised was that he was lying on a bed, the walls and ceiling were white so he guessed that he was in a hospital. He noticed that he had something in his right hand. He looked to his right and found a rather interesting sight.

Fleur Delacour was sat on a chair next to his bed, her hand in his, her arms were crossed on the bed and her head resting on them, it looks like she had fallen asleep. It was then that Harry noticed he had been tied to the bed, his feet and hands had been strapped down and there was another strap across his chest. Harry took in a deep breath, when he let it out it was accompanied by a small jet of flames that burned through all of his straps.

"Fleur" Harry said to Fleur "Fleur? Fleur wake up...don't you fucking ignore me. Fleur wake up"

"Arry?" Fleur said sleepily, a second later her head snapped up and she looked at Harry "Arry!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss, once she was done her head began resting on his shoulder as tears dripped out her eyes.

"Hey Fleur" Harry yawned "what the hell happened?"

"The British aurors" Fleur sniffed as she spoke in French "they put you to sleep and took you to this hospital. They questioned me and Papa and Gabrielle and a few other people on what happened. I don't know what they're going to do. Your godfather and Bellatrix were here along with your friends."

"How long have i been asleep?"

"Only ten hours i think" Fleur said as she removed her head from his shoulder and looked at him "you were badly hurt. You have bruises on your skin, marks, cuts, they think you were hit with a whip"

"I was, what else?" Harry asked

"Broken bones as well" Fleur sniffed "Harry, you were hurt"

"Get us some water please" Harry asked in English, Fleur nodded, she wiped her eyes and returned a few seconds later with a glass of water which she handed to Harry. "Thanks" Harry said he took a sip and then threw the rest of it over his head.

"Arry, what are you doing?" Fleur asked, her eyes widened as she watched the water spread around Harry's body "what's happening?"

"The water's healing me" Harry said as the water spread all across his body "can I have some more please?"

"Uh...okay" Fleur quickly rushed and got another cup of water "here Arry"

"Thanks" Harry grabbed the cup and tossed it over himself, a minute later Harry was dry and the water.

"That's amazing!" Fleur said when Harry stood up and didn't seem be even a little in pain "You can heal anything with just water?"

"Nearly everything" Harry gestured to the burns and scratches on his face, though he had a smile so Fleur didn't think he was upset or complaining.

"Harry!" A voice called, he and Fleur turned to see Delphi, Sirius and Bellatrix enter the room "Oh my god Harry!" Delphi rushed forwards and pulled Harry into a hug.

"Hey Del" Harry said as he returned the hug.

"You complete and utter prat!" She sobbed into his shoulder "What the hell do you think you were doing?!" She demanded once she let go.

"That's what I'd like to know." Sirius said before he and Bellatrix gave Harry a pair of very emotional hugs. "What the hell was going on in your mind when you ran into that forest?!"

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