Chapter 6

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"Guess what the next place is." Carlisle smiled at Esme who was sitting next to him in the car while they were driving to the airport.

They had just come from Egypt. Vampires named Benjamin, Amun, Kebi and Tia had come with them. The two had driven them to Forks and to their house where Bella, Edward, Renesmee and Jacob were already waiting with Tanya, Kate, Carmen and Eleazar. Now they were going to their next flight.

"What is it?" She asked.


"Esme's eyes widened. "Paris? I have always wanted to go to Paris." She smiled excitedly. "Who of your friends is living there?"

"She was working as a Volturi guard while I was part of them as well."

"Do you mean?" Her eyes widened when she saw Carlisle nod. "She was that guard? I have only heard stories. How is she really like?"

"She left Volturi a long time ago but still after I did. She loves to travel and is an independent person. It takes her a long time to trust a new person. But she is also very kind, loyal and helpful. She was forced to do all those things. She isn't really like that."

Esme nodded before asking again. "So she's a nomad. How old is she?"

"When she was turned she was twenty two. I want you to know that, do not ask her about her gift. She absolutely hates it."

"I won't. Of course not." Esme nodded. "I understand."

"Like nomads, she doesn't like to stay in one place for too long. We have to just hope that she is still in Paris. Because if she isn't I have no idea where to look next. It would be important to find her."

"Why?" Esme asked.

"She was part of the Volturi for a long time. Maybe if she would agree to come with us we could have better chances to convince the Volturi. Maybe they would believe her better."

"We can just hope." Esme placed her hand gently on top of Carlisle's. "But what if she says no?"

"Then we just have to hope that the others can convince them."

"Do you know why she left Volterra and the Volturi?" Esme questioned.

Carlisle shook his head. "Sadly no. But I have been thinking about it. Why would Aro let her leave? She was his best guard after all."

"That's true. If Aro would lose someone as powerful as her, I'm sure he would feel like he had lost a big piece of the power he and the Volturi's have."

"And she was in a relationship with another guard during her time there. They were together while I was still there."

"Were they happy together?"

"They were but they weren't mates." Carlisle nodded and glanced at Esme before turning his head back to look forward since he was driving.

"Well, we just have to hope we'll find her and that she says yes."

"Yes." Carlisle smiled at his wife. "Look." He pointed out from the car window. "We are almost at the airport." He said smiling.

"How long is our flight?" Esme questioned.

"Ten hours if the plane is on time."

"In ten hours she can already be far gone." Esme's hopeful expression fell a bit.

"We'll have to just hope that she isn't. Don't worry, I have a good feeling."

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