General Summons From The Ministry of Magic

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General Summons from the Ministry of Magic

Office of the Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt

Special Invitational Decree:

Greetings wizards, witches et al,

You are formally invited for an occasion of utmost importance, the Valiant and the Brave, to the Decennial Gathering Gallantry, an evening of remembrance, recollection, and revelry!

It is here that we shall collectively recall the most momentous moments of your nascent years - those of heroic feats and valiant victories, unbridled courage and uncompromising conviction. It was, after all, you, the mere teens in arms, who bore the brunt of battle and emerged victorious from the Great Wizarding War.

You, who waved your wands without faltering, who withstood the fiery wrath of Fiendfyre, who dared face the dark, against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Oh, how the halls of Hogwarts still echo with the whisper of your courage!

And let us not forget, amidst these fond reminisces, the important matter of our Minister's annual address. Kingsley Shacklebolt, the man of the moment, will grace us with his eminent presence and wisdom. Let us lend him our ears, as he deciphers the mystery of bureaucracy.

Mark the date, for the eve of the 31st of XX beckons. Come hither to the Ministry of Magic's Atrium at the stroke of eight, donned in your best attire and cloaks. Let us paint the night with the color of our courage, our unity, our triumph.

May your Patronus guide you there.

The Atrium awaits. The Minister beckons.

My wand is yours,

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Minister for Magic

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