[13] Moab Is For Lovers

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Moab is for Lovers

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Moab is for Lovers

Deaglan was temporarily speechless but it was a short-lived silence. All his pent-up anger and unresolved fears of the last couple of days flooded forth and he broke down, to which Len put an arm around his shoulder in brotherly companionship. It wasn't a reaction he expected but, he understood.

"I don't know how the hell you found me, but I'm so glad you did," he blurted. "They took Miranda and the kids, and I have no idea where, they weren't even sick, Len." Deaglan ranted.

"Holy mother," Len breathed in exasperation. "What exactly happened?" He asked.

Deag shook his head in obvious frustration. "I guess she took off with the kids during the night, because I had no idea. Homeland security agents doing home checks said she was probably in detention. But they didn't know where, and I called everywhere I knew to call but I just couldn't find out anything," Deag confided desolately.

"Well, now we have a new issue. The electric grid has gone down, it looks like. I would chance it to say everywhere, and it won't be long till complete mayhem breaks out," Len revealed. "It's not going to make things easier to find them, either."

"Oh God," Deag groaned despairingly. "There's already looting. I just watched my neighbors house being ransacked and that was when I decided I had to get out of here. There is no way I can protect this place from that. I just don't know what to do now," he lamented.

Len wasn't about to be deterred by Deaglan's internal woes. "Well, first things first," he stated with resolve. "Do you have a weapon?"

Deag shook his head, which resulted in an odd look from Len, who then handed him an old Browning 9 mm handgun that he'd had tucked in the back of his belt. "It's fully loaded. Now, we just need to figure out where your wife and kids are and get them back. Where would they have been headed?"

"To her parents' house in Price." Deag said. "She would have gone straight there if they hadn't stopped her."

"Alright. You want to take your truck or get back to mine?" Len asked.

"Let's take mine. I have a full tank of gas, and I know the route she would have taken." Deag suddenly had a new-found energy.

"Okay." Len nodded. "But before we leave, we gather supplies. You get clothes. Jeans, boots, jacket. And a hat. And get the same types of clothing for your kids and wife. I will gather food and supplies. Get whatever kind of camping gear you might have, lanterns, flashlights, batteries, fishing supplies, tent, just whatever you have, grab it all."

Deag got right to it, as Len took a garbage bad and started filling it with food from the pantry. Later, back in the garage, Deag started pulling things from the shelves he thought they could use including tools and several tarps along with many of the items Len had clicked off, as well as the carton of cigarettes he had hidden under the work bench.

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