Her Choice: Part 1

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Author's Note: Read a few fan fictions on Wattpad surrounding this villain from the Matrix films and decided to write my own. This is loosely based around a fan fiction I wrote on Quotev but I don't own the matrix or any of the characters from the films or the pictures from it. Made this story as it went in my head and made the cover in MS Paint. I hope you guys enjoy reading this.


It was now the end of another group of rebels in the resistance. Agent Smith being satisfied with his work but now getting the feeling that he now wanted to have something more. Something that might make his existence in the matrix just more tolerable. "I'm going back to my office. Make sure to clean up the blood. I hate getting blood on this suit...I also wish to speak alone with our informant" Smith said. Glancing over at his fellow agents Brown and Jones. The two silently nodding and following his orders before he glanced over at her. The brunette remembered how it all began. Where one day she had experienced a strange dream which seemed to make her question if she was really sleeping in the first place. Still remembering that her computer had a message that seemed to refer to the story of Alice in Wonderland. The brunette had brushed it off as nothing but still blamed her dream for waking up late and missing her bus to work. She arrived to work late and panted a little from running when she rushed into the elevator. But soon when she came out she saw three men wearing matching suits, sunglasses and earpieces and was taken away in handcuffs to an interrogation room she didn't know of. In a part of the city she had never been to. She sat in silence thinking that everything was just a mistake and that maybe the government agents were just looking for someone else before the three agents returned. One sitting in front of her with a small file while the other two stood either side of her.


"As you can see. We haven't had our eye on you for very long now Miss Broere" The agent in front of her said. Opening the thin looking folder with not that many pages inside. Part of her thinking that the size of the file meant that they knew she wasn't guilty while the other part of her mind already feared for the worst. Wondering if she needed to have a lawyer with her in the room. She asked who the three of them were and the man in front of her said that his name was Agent Smith while the other agents next to her were Agent Jones and Agent Brown. Jones being to her left while Brown stood to her right. "At this moment you may be wondering Miss Broere as to why you are here. The reason is because we need your help" Smith said before he took off his sunglasses. Revealing Icey blue eyes that were hidden underneath them. His eyes making her think that he was trying to persuade her to do something and that soon she could end up being a hero of sorts. "We have documented here in your file that a man by the name of Morpheus or one of his associates has been in contact with you...my colleagues think that I am wasting my time with you Miss Broere. But I believe that you wish to do the right thing. We'll even help to give you a fresh start" Agent Smith said. Part of the brunette starting to smile at the idea before a negative thought planted itself into her head. "umm...well...can I think this over please? I'll get back to you I promise. But I didn't really sleep too good last night" Teo said. As part of her tried not to yawn in front of the agent sitting across from her. "...very well Miss Broere. We will give you till the end of today in order to make your decision...we'll be seeing you soon" Agent Smith said. Putting his sunglasses back on before they opened the door to let her leave. She walked down the corridor wondering if her dream really was reality until the sound of footsteps behind her and the feeling of getting pushed into another room snapped her back to her senses. "What?" Teo thought as she found herself in a closet standing very close to Agent Smith. The closeness of his body to hers making her start to blush and only imagine what might happen next. 

"Miss Broere. I was thinking of perhaps asking you out to dinner tonight...as a way to both persuade you to work with us and as an apology for what happened at work today" Smith said. The comment making her wonder for a split second as she still felt her face heat up. Now wondering if the government agent was being personal or professional. "Okay" Teo replied. Wondering if Smith was blushing too or feeling uncomfortable from how close they were. The agent then smirked and said he would be seeing her tonight before she left the building and took a taxi back to her apartment. Imagining that she might not have work for a while because of the three agents or was just going to be break room gossip for months on end thanks to the co-workers she didn't like. Later on that night when she wondered what to wear. She thought she heard her computer turn on even though she thought she hadn't been on it all day. The brunette quickly put on a dress and went to her computer to see if she was just hearing things again. Teo saw on the screen that there was a message saying she was in danger and said she needed to go to a street now. Saying that more would be explained to her on the way. She looked at the time and decided that she would wait for a few minutes at the address. Thinking that if nobody showed up that she could just tell Smith that she got lost going somewhere. Thinking he might brush it off as just something like bad luck. She left her apartment and stood in the rain for what felt like hours and scowled thinking that if someone was playing a cruel trick on her that they would be paying for her dry cleaning.  Before finally a black car appeared and a woman asked if her name was Teo Broere. The brunette was about to answer the question when she heard gunfire and saw that it was Agent Smith with his two colleagues shooting at the car. Without thinking. The young woman jumped inside and the car quickly sped away. The car having three people inside. Calling themselves Astrid, Angela and Sparkplug. Angela pulled out a device and told her to reveal her bellybutton before taking out a gun as well. Teo thought that getting into the car was a mistake and told the driver Astrid to stop the car. Astrid refused and Teo opened the car door. Angela telling her to stop or she'd shoot before the brunette jumped out of the speeding car. Rolling across the soaked asphalt road getting a few scrapes. Before she finally stopped. The car only slowing down slightly before it sped up again and went away. Teo walked back home. Looking at the time on her clock and became filled with both regret and fear. Thinking that now she really had been in contact with a bunch of people the government were after. Wondering how quickly Smith had gotten there and wondering if her actions would be seen as her helping the bad guys. Seeing that now there was no way any restaurant could be open at how late at night it was. The brunette just tried to deal with her injuries the best she could think of. And went to bed drifting off into an uneasy sleep. 

The next morning she woke up to what she thought were strange noises and didn't know if it was government agents or the people from the car. The brunette guessed that Astrid, Angela and Sparkplug were all either part of Morpheus's crew or were people who were trying to find him. Having heard that there were whispers online that the world was really a simulation. But the brunette had brushed it off as just crazy people fuelling the ideas of other crazy people. Thinking that the world felt too real to be faked like that. Before a knock at the door made her jump in surprise and slight fear. She looked through the peep hole of her front door and saw that it was Agent Smith. Guessing right away as to why he was there. "Miss Broere. I believe that you already know as to why I am here" Smith said. Making part of her become even more worried. "I was disappointed that you weren't there for dinner last night...I also believe that you dropped this last night" Agent Smith said. Taking out of one of his pockets an earing of hers. Making her guess that it must have fallen off when she jumped out of the car. Feeling thankful that the earrings were only clip ones. Teo thanked him for returning the earing and asked if she was now going to get arrested. The agent said that she wasn't and said that his offer was still on the table if she wanted it. The brunette felt a smirk start to cross her face for a second before she said she needed to get ready. But added that he could wait for her inside. Once she was ready the two left in what Smith said was his company car and took her to a small restaurant for lunch. Telling her that he would pay for her as an agent like him could afford to with his salary. "Is this little gesture of yours business or pleasure Agent Smith?" Teo asked with a small smirk before taking a sip of her drink. "Whatever gave you the idea this might be pleasure Miss Broere?" Smith asked in return before smirking as well. The agent then put on his shades and said that they needed to talk business. Telling her that the offer still stood. But that it wouldn't be for long. 

The sound of some cars exploding rocked the streets and people panicked before Smith told her to get to safety. Getting up and taking the gun out of his suit jacket. Before running off to get to the bad guys Teo thought might be responsible. "Hello again Teo. You can still come with us. But we need to hurry...we might not give you a third chance" Angela said. Appearing behind her and giving her a bag with something inside it. And quickly running away. "Hey wait" Teo said. Running after her. Part of her wondering what it was. But another part told herself that she didn't want anything from them. Smith appeared seemingly out of nowhere and demanded for Angela to stop. A look of fear then came across her face as she looked between Smith and Angela. The brunette seeing that Angela was about to use a phone. Before she turned to look at Smith. "I think I might have made my..." Teo said before a shot rang out and Teo fell to the ground. Smith firing back at Angela as she glanced at the brunette for a second. Before the black haired young woman dropped to the ground dead. "The rebel?" Agent Brown asked looking at Smith. Before he said that she was dead. "And her?" Agent Jones asked. Referring to Teo. Smith looked down at her and saw that she appeared to have fainted. Only some of his blood being on her clothes from the gunshot. A slight smile appearing to try and come to his face. But it quickly disappeared. "She's coming with us. So we can see once and for all. Where Miss Broere really stands in this war" Smith replied. Before taking her with them.

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