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Alex Rider🔪
point blanc


Alex Rider🔪
the school is called point blanc

Okay great
But what does that have to do with me?

Alex Rider🔪
i wanted you to know
jack knows
and since you're the only other normal
person who knows what i get up to, you
deserve to know too

Bella looked up from her phone, letting James read the messages as he turned to his laptop, immediately getting to work on their cover story. See, as soon as NERVE got word of Alex's confession, they'd been breathing down Bella and James' necks about making sure they take every opportunity they're given regarding him. This includes sneaking Bella into Point Blanc under an alias to keep an eye on him.

For them, that part was easy. Bella was given her alias only a few years after she joined and they started engraving the second life into everything Bella did, even in the world. On the outside, Bella's alias was a real person who's life continued even when Bella wasn't using her.

She was perfect.

So they're gonna send you away to some
freaky school for bad kids and this is
supposed to do something beneficial for humanity?

Alex Rider🔪
yes actually

or as you folks say (cough) BOLLOCKS

Alex Rider🔪
not funny
not funny at all

Okay Okay
When do you ship out cadet??

Alex Rider🔪
right now
i'm in the car right now

Where are they taking you?

Alex Rider🔪
some estate belonging to this guyyyyy
i'm supposed to be his son

that's one way to go about it

"David Friend. Where does he live?" She asked James, pulling up the billionaire's wiki page up on her phone as she awaited Alex's response.

"Somewhere out in the country, why?"

"That's where Alex is staying until he leaves for Point Blanc." She says as she reads the page, only finding things on his eccentric life and druggy daughter. She was very pretty. "I can't believe he's gonna be cooped up with this chick..."

"Don't get jealous now, he's not yours to keep." James scolded and pulled up a map on his laptop. He turned it to her, pointing at the cascading estate filling the entire screen and then some. "This is it. Not too hard to find but it's huge. I aspire to be this man when I retire."

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