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Lando was live on Twitch, tonight Aarav had finally convinced him Lando and Max to play Phasmophobia together for a video on their 'Quadrant' channel

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Lando was live on Twitch, tonight Aarav had finally convinced him Lando and Max to play Phasmophobia together for a video on their 'Quadrant' channel.

Since it was quite late at night, and many of their friends were asleep, they decided on making an open lobby and hoping not to be recognized.

Aarav took a moment to explain an important aspect of the game. "This game picks up audio from your microphone, so that the ghosts can hear you, react, and even follow you.

At this point, a low-leveled stranger has joined their lobby, making it full.

So, if a ghost hunts, don't scream. And for the sake of my ears, stay quiet, otherwise you die," he warned with a half-serious, half-joking tone.

Of course, Max couldn't resist teasing Lando. "Oh, I think we have a problem then, because Lando already screams at hornets flying around in his room," he said, poking fun at his friend's fear of insects and event that had happened two years ago.

Defending himself, Lando retorted, "Listen, man, those two hornets were enormous! You'd have cried and ran away long before I did."

"Mate, I would've emigrated to another country. I think we already both know that," Max reasoned, earning a chuckle from the group.

Joining the conversation, their fourth and random teammate had spoken up, "My God, I get you. Once this huge spider was crawling on my walls, and I just accepted my fate. That house was no longer mine."

Out of all of the voices Lando could have expected, he had not expected such a sweet and mesmerizing voice like her's.

"Who wouldn't??" Max replied, agreeing with her fear of the eight-legged monsters.

Feeling a little left out, Lando asked, "Wait, so, how does this game work?"

"I explained it to you just now! Should've listened, Norris. We're starting now. Fuck you," Max said playfully, hitting the start button and leaving Lando startled.

Everything went silent, and for a second Lando thought his audio had died. "Chat, I can no longer hear them. Is that because the game is loading?" Lando asked his viewers, not entirely familiar with all the ways of the game.

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