Chapter 2

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A few Months earlier

"Hmmm, what would happen if I?" Fuu asked, as he teleported Cooler, the Brother of Frieza to his Location, killing him and then opening a Portal and sending him through


"What a Shame, such a Young one is a Villain" 1 of the Guards said, as Izuku slowly woke up

Meanwhile back at UA, a certain Yellow Hair, was looking Guilty

'Why did I do that? He is my Friend, he would never be a Villain, he helped me become Stronger and helped me learn, he tutored me and I do this? I disgust myself' Denki thought

Meanwhile Mineta was asking around the Class and other 1st Classes

"Who believes that Izuku Yagi is Innocent?" Mineta asked, as most said, he was Guilty and definitly was the Perfect Description of a Perfect Villain

'Hooowww? HOW?' Mineta questioned in his Mind, since Izuku never showed nay Sign that would be Logical to be categotized as a Villain, unlike a certain Ash-Blonde

So far, noone but Izumi said that Izuku was Innocent, but 1 Day, while those 2 had a secret meeting of Friends in Izuku's Room

They were talking about how to proof Izuku is Innocent, but that day, they heard a knock on the Door

It had been 2 Weeks since Izuku was arrested, so they were surprised about a Knock on his Door

When Mineta opened it cautiously he saw Mri Hatsume

"Muscles is Innocent right?" Mei asked, as Mineta nodded, she then entered

"So how do we prove he is Innocent?" She then asked

"Why do you believe he is Innocent?" Izumi asked, visibly drained, as she looked Tired, Depressed, malnourished and so on

"He never complained about my Babies and was Kind to help me any time, so I kinda owe him, plus he just seems not to be Evil" Mei said, as she tried to explain

"I see" Izumi said, as she was Tired of crying, only having a Sad and Tired look on her Face, a Face where you know she might've tried to commit

"Can a 4th member appear?" Denki asked, as he gave a light knock on the Open Door and entered

"What are YOU doing here?" Mineta asked, as he recalled how Denki electrocuted Izuku

"I felt really bad and Guilty about what I did and said, so I wanted to help my Friend and proof he is Innocent" Denki said, as Izumi looked him in the Eyes

"No deceit, he is telling the Truth" she said, finally passing out, as they close and lock the Door, they all go to Sleep for now

A few Weeks later, the group of Believers had managed to Proof Izuku's Innocence, as he returned to UA, with everyone being on their Knees, Hands and Face, bowing and apologizing to Izuku

Izuku was enjoying this, as he smiled at Izumi, meanwhile Denki and Mineta managed to become non-Pervs, as Mei made stuff that didn't Explode

A few Years passed and Izuku was holding Izumi in his Arms, both dressed in White, as the Bells of the Church were ringing

All of their Friends and classmates cheering, even their Parents

8 Months later, Izumi with a swollen Belly was being held by Izuku, as he felt kicks from her Stomach

"Our child will be Perfect" Izuku said to Izumi, as she was loving the moment, but then it all vanished and turned black, as Izumi woke up to the Chirping of the Birds

".... stupid Body waking up so Early" she complained, as she got ready to Train, going out for a Jog

Meanwhile Izuku was being Electrocuted and tortured, having been beaten up by the Inmates, then thrown into his Jail room

As 2 Months and 3 Weeks were gone by since Izuku was Arrested, Tartarus Guards and Scientists were using a Quirk on a Body of a Alien and Izuku, as Izuku was merged into the Body, the Body being fully Healed

They had recorded the Entire Event and send it to UA, on Request of the Parents and the Principal, with every Non-Believer enjoying, as they were Live-Streaming the Event, they suddenly all noticed that Izuku wasn't waking up and any Torture done to him was Ineffective

Just then they got a Video linked to them, seeing how the LoV was there, with Izuku?

"But that is Impossible, we just saw him become that Hideous Creature" Ida said, as suddenly the Izuku from the LoV started melting and revealed Toga Himiko

"Did you really believe the Kindest Person in your School would help us? Bleh" Shigaraki said, before laughing like a Maniac, as the Video deleted itself

Everyone was in disbelief and shocked

Meanwhile in a Dark Place, Izuku opened his Eyes, seeing the same Body he saw before the Quirk was used on him and it

"So you are here? Good, I was getting Impatient" it said, as Izuku was confused

"What are you? Where are we? Who are you?" Izuku asked, as he had many Questions, but Cooler stopped him with only raising his Hand

"I'm Cooler and you will know everything" Cooler said, as he ran at Izuku, who was Confused and jumped up in Fear, as Cooler ran into him, their Spirits merging, as Izuku looked like he had a Enlightening

"I see, no Worries, we will do Great things together" Izuku said, as Cooler's Spirit slightly corrupted Izuku's, as shown with Izuku's Mind-sscape Spirit being Blue, while Cooler was Red, now Izuku's is slightly Purple-ish Blue, then Izuku concentrated, as he opened his Eyes, he was back on the Outside world

Everyone was astonished, as the Live-Strema ended with a Explosion, the "Heroes" rushing over

Only to see a Burning and Destroyed Tartarus, with a lot of Dead People

"Izuku, no" All Might said, as he teared up, along with a few others being Sad because of a Dead Friend, to him, they weren't Friends tho, so Izuku was flying in the Air, leaving, as he wanted to get used to his Body

"I might not have his Full True Level of Power, but even now, I am definitly much stronger then them" Izuku said, flying towards a Forest

End of Chapter 2

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