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| 10 | The Infected

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| Sebastien |

There was something about the woods that always creeped Sebastien out. Even in the early morning, not much light pierced through the treetops. A flurry of snow crept in where it could, and that which had already set crunched beneath Sebastien's boots as he led the way forward.

He glanced at the squad of six soldiers following behind him, grasping their guns tightly as they searched through the murk. They carried large rucksacks on their back containing the equipment needed for the job, and although it looked like it weighed a ton, none of them complained.

Sebastien couldn't smell anything nearby—at least nothing that would pounce at them and try to tear their insides out. Once he reached a small opening, he halted and looked around. "This is good," he said, pointing at the ground.

The soldiers nodded and started setting up tripwires and the cage Sebastien hoped would hold the infected human they were after.

Sebastien leaned back against a tree and watched. Whenever he heard something move through the snow, he searched for anything that might be a threat, but all he could see were foxes, rabbits, and a few deer in the distance.

"We're all set up, sir," Captain Barkley said, gesturing to the laid trap.

"All right." He sighed, standing up straight. "We stick to the plan," he said firmly, glancing at each soldier as they stood behind their captain. "You guys are vulnerable to this thing's bite, so you remain in your cover, and the only time you break is if I need your help or something enters this area and may compromise the trap. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," they replied.

"Good." Sebastien took a communication collar out of his pocket, clipped it around his neck, and put a small earpiece into his right ear. "You keep your radios handy. Keep me updated; I'll do the same. We ready?"

"We're ready, sir," Captain Barkley confirmed.

Sebastien shifted into his kludde form. He stretched his wings out, shook his head, and prepared to head into the woods. "Let's get this thing done," he mumbled, and then, as the soldiers took their positions behind the trees, he raced deeper into the forest.

He waited until he was a good distance away before saying, "Can you all hear me all right?"

"We hear you loud and clear, sir," Barkley replied through the earpiece.

"Right. I'll let you know when I find a target."


Sebastien slowed when he approached a hill. Once he emerged from the woods and reached the top, he carefully scoured the land below. Trees shrouded the landscape, and the falling snow made it hard for him to see as far as if it were a clear day. Flying and searching from overhead wouldn't be any better, either.

With a sigh, he headed down the hill and moved silently through the forest. He sniffed the ground and air, scanning for the slightest hint of the rotting stench the infected gave off, but what his nose picked up instead made him tense.

Humans...and wolfsbane. There were hunters nearby.

He frowned cautiously and took cover behind a fallen log. If it were night, he'd use his demon ability to shroud himself in the dark, but it was daylight, and the best he could do to hide was using the environment.

Should he investigate? What if they were the same hunters they raided last night? Lord Caedis would want to know about that, especially if they were looking to find their missing comrade and avenge those he and Jackson's wolf pack killed.

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