Eternal Bonds: Eri and Kota's Journey as Heroes

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Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounters

In the bustling halls of U.A. High School, Eri couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. She was still getting used to her new life after being rescued by the heroes from the villain Overhaul. The memories of her dark past still haunted her, but amidst the crowd, she spotted a familiar face – Kota, the young boy who once saved her.

Their eyes met, and Eri felt a sense of comfort wash over her. She mustered up the courage to approach him, and with a soft smile, she said, "Hi, Kota. It's nice to see you again."

Kota's eyes widened in surprise, and he stammered, "Uh, h-hi, Eri. Yeah, it's nice to see you too." He was taken aback by the sudden encounter but felt a warm familiarity with her presence.

As they exchanged small talk, Eri realized they were both feeling a bit lost in this big school. They were both quirk users who had experienced loss and trauma in their pasts. So, they decided to stick together and explore the campus, becoming fast friends.

Eri learned that Kota had a unique quirk that allowed him to control animals. He was initially hesitant to share this information, fearing that others might see him as strange. But Eri, having experienced similar feelings of insecurity about her own quirk, reassured him that his ability was incredible and unique, just like him.

Together, they wandered around the school grounds, discovering various nooks and crannies, sharing stories of their adventures, and making plans for the future. They visited the school's training areas, where Kota demonstrated his power over animals, and Eri showcased her quirk's healing abilities.

One day, while exploring an old abandoned courtyard, they stumbled upon a hidden vending machine. To their delight, the machine was stocked with an assortment of snacks and treats. They giggled like kids in a candy store, excitedly deciding on what to get.

As they browsed the selection, Eri's eyes landed on a colorful pack of ring pops. Her face lit up with joy, and she excitedly pointed them out to Kota. "Look, Kota! Ring pops! They're so fun and delicious!"

Kota chuckled, appreciating Eri's childlike enthusiasm. "You're right, Eri! Let's get some. It'll be like having our own little celebration."

With gleeful smiles, they both selected their favorite flavors and headed back to their favorite spot on the school grounds, a quiet and peaceful hill overlooking the campus.

Under the shade of a tree, they unwrapped the ring pops and slipped them onto their fingers, pretending they were wearing fancy, candy-coated rings. They laughed and joked, enjoying the sweet treats and each other's company.

As they sat there, gazing at the picturesque view, Eri felt a sense of happiness and belonging she hadn't experienced in a long time. It was the simple joy of being with a friend who understood and accepted her for who she was.

The ring pops became a cherished symbol of their friendship – a reminder of the day they found happiness in the little things, and a promise to create many more joyful memories together. From that moment on, whenever they felt stressed or overwhelmed, they would treat themselves to ring pops and take a moment to savor the sweetness of life together.

Chapter 2: Training Buddies

Eri and Kota's friendship blossomed over time. They discovered that they shared similar interests in heroes and quirks. Whenever they had free time, they would practice their quirks together in a secluded training area.

Kota would summon different animals, testing his control over them, while Eri would use her quirk to rewind their injuries and ensure they were all safe during the training. This gave them both the chance to hone their abilities and become a formidable team.

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