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As my body plunges into the unforgiving embrace of the ocean's icy depths, my heart pounds in my chest, the adrenaline surging through my veins like a storm. Feeling the frigid water surrounding me like a cloak of darkness, mirroring the starless night sky above, allows my mind to focus.

I have to save her.

I begin pushing myself through the water, farther down into the murky depths in the hope to somehow see her body through the darkness. Suddenly, there, in the oppressive darkness, I feel the faint warmth of her hand. My fingers instinctively wrap around hers, and with all the strength I can muster, I begin to propel her upward towards the surface. But in my excitement and urgency, I accidentally swallow the salty water, causing a burning pain in my throat and lungs. The need for air becomes agonizingly acute as I struggle to keep both of us afloat. So I gather my remaining energy and push her towards the surface.

As I gaze upwards, I watch her being welcomed by the sky above with a wave of relief washing over me. I catch sight of her still body begin swimming on the surface, seemingly obliviated by the perilous situation below, while my lungs remain empty.

Maybe I deserve this? Maybe this is supposed to happen?

With the weight of the ocean above me and my lungs screaming for air, my body should be fighting for survival, but an inexplicable calmness envelops my being. It's as if my soul has made peace with its fate, accepting the consequences that have led me to this pivotal moment. Perhaps I've reached a state of surrender, finding solace in the depths of the ocean where my troubles might be washed away, leaving only a fragile sense of tranquility.

The sea's coldness reaches out, stinging my skin, and I feel the urge to panic, to fight against the relentless current. But instead, I find myself surrendering to the abyss, closing my tired eyelids slowly. As the saltwater mixes with the tears in my eyes, the burning sensation is replaced by a strange, numbing comfort. It's as if the ocean is inviting me to let go, to release the burden of my past and embrace the embrace of the unknown.


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