Chapter 29

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Meeting the staff wasn't so terrible. In fact, I got to finally meet Elina. She looked a lot like I would envision and elf to look but I knew she wasn't. Supernatural's rarely cross paths with one another unless they have to and don't live in the same vicinity unless mated. I even got to meet some newer people who tend to the house in the early morning's while I sleeps or am engaged in work. For example, Johanes is an older man around his fifties, though I suspect he is probably older since wolves age differently, who tends to the outside plants and grass. His hands had calloused on them, but his face was kind.

After breakfast, I said goodbye to all the people who were still in the dining room. It seemed that Axle had invited some of them to eat with us and gave the others the rest of the day off after our meeting. While it was nice to meet them, it was uncomfortable to sit at a table surrounded by strangers who just kept staring at me. Their stares were full of awe and apprehension. Noah once told me that a Luna was sacred amongst his people, I didn't think that this title would earn me so much attention or care, but I guess wolves really do function differently than humans.

Axle walked us over to the other side of the house where there was a garage with the car, we normally take parked out front of it. I could hear children playing outside distantly and tried to peak my head to see if I could see them, but they were too far away. Today's atmosphere just seems different. All the days I've been here it's seemed so desolate and maybe that has to do with the fact that I never saw anybody outside. Maybe it's because they've all been avoiding me till today it seems, but right now as I'm getting into the car, this place really seems like a community. A home.

"So where are we doing today?" I asked as he drives out of the pack territory and onto the rode going in the direction of the town, we saw on our first date."

"I thought maybe you could show me some of the things you like. What you're interested in? I know that at the house you have the tools and yarn, but I wanted to see what else you like."

I grimace at him in confusion, "If I'm going to be honest with you, I'm not sure I like a lot of things. My parents died when I was young so having fun wasn't a high priority for me so much as living day to day was. The knitting I learned out of necessity since I needed to be able to be warm when we couldn't pay for our heating bill or when it broke...or when I couldn't get any more clothes."

He nods his head taking in everything that I said and continues to drive anyway down to the town. To be completely honest I'm not sure I enjoy much of anything. I've spent my entire life being scared of everyone and everything I never tried to factor in a hobby. I'm not like Emily who loves to bake and cook or even take care of plants. I'm not like Ava who enjoys her game boards and her experimental coffee and I'm definitely not like Nicole who can consume books and knowledge like a black hole. I don't think there is much to me. Which is why I still don't understand how I got mated to someone like him.

"Do you like your clothes I bought you?"


"The clothes I've been buying you since you arrived. I checked your closet at your old apartment when we first met and had the clothes you've been wearing shipped to the house in preparation for your arrival. You didn't seem like someone who liked flashy clothes like Ava or pretty clothes like Emily, so I wanted to make sure that the clothes fit your style."

I hadn't realized he had taken that much thought into my clothes, "Yes they are nice. You're right I don't really like things that make me stand out and I prefer to dress comfortably."

I guess in that way we are similar. He rarely dresses up, but maybe he dresses like that out of convenience rather than for comfort. By the time we reach the town, I notice that it is just as busy as it was the first time we were here. Axle parks in front of a building called The Color of Life which has a pink splash of paint above the word "Color."

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