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The spring wind tugged at her clothes as she biked down the street. The sun was just about to rise, and her wet hair blew in the wind. She was cold, not only because of the weather, but because of what had happened the night before. The bruise on her cheek had blossomed in the night, forming a blue and purple flower. It made her head pound, or maybe that was just the alcohol. Either way, she rode on, treading down the street, turning at the right corners, knowing exactly where she was going.

When he woke up, the house was once again empty. No Kieran, no Abigail, no Adelaide. The whole house was quiet, as if it was holding its breath, waiting for something big to happen. He didn't know why he was surprised, he should have been used to it by now. But there was something about last night that had made him hope something would be different today, that everything would finally change, or at least that he would get to have breakfast with someone else than his thoughts. But he was wrong. Everything was like it had been the morning before. Or at least that was what it seemed like.

She sat down in the leather chair, feeling the rough paper scraping against her skin. She looked around at the exposed roof beams and the big windows, and wondered how many hours she had spent here. Hundreds probably. Hundreds of hours spent dreaming, hundreds of hours feeling her heart beat in her chest, hundreds of hours spent in the slight discomfort of this chair, but in those hundred of hours, she had never been more sure than she was now.

"Are you ready?" Leo asked and entered her line of sight. "Yeah" she said, looking into his honey coloured eyes. "Are you sure about this?" he said as he sat down in front of her, putting the black gloves on. "My dear Leo, have I ever been in doubt?" Adelaide answered and he smiled a crooked smile. "You know I have to ask Addie, Leah would kill me if she found out I didn't." he worked as he talked, cleaning her arm, putting on the blueprint. "Yeah, your sister does get some murderous tendencies when things doesn't go as planned." Adelaide felt her heart beat pick up as she adjusted herself in the uncomfortable chair.

"So, who's the artist?" Leo looked down on her, his brown hair shining in the sunlight. He was the kindest person she knew, someone she had never lied to, and had known her whole life. Yet somehow, she could not tell him the whole truth, so she just said: "Someone who means a lot to me."

The boy in front of her nodded, and asked her once again if she was ready, before she heard the whirring sound of the machine she had heard so many times before.      

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