Chapter 3

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The sun was searing my skin, still damp from the pool, while the tree's leaves provided a fleeting respite over my face. A contented sigh escaped my lips, accompanied by the lazy tunes of chirping birds, setting the backdrop for my moment of relaxation.

But peace was never meant to last. A startled yelp escaped me as icy droplets of water splashed over me, and I quickly opened my eyes to find Saul, the mischievous culprit, emerging from the pool. As if that wasn't enough, he cast a shadow over me, and the gentle breeze reminded me that autumn was creeping in.

"You're such an idiot," I growled, playfully kicking his leg without getting up. Propping myself up on my forearms, I shot him an unamused look while he laughed and collapsed on the towel next to mine. "I was perfectly comfortable, you know."

With his eyes shielded from the sun, Saul fumbled blindly for the bag of chips placed between our towels. I was quicker and tossed it away, just to get back at him. My smile faded as I heard a faint complaint behind me. There was a girl in a black bikini and a denim skirt standing with her hands raised, staring at the bag and the scattered chips around her feet, forming a little mound.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I mumbled, mortified. It was only then that I realized I wasn't alone – Alex was standing beside her, wearing sky-blue swim trunks.

Stop looking there.

"Lena, how's it going?" he greeted, recognizing me.

I sat up to join them. "Alex," I said, puzzled. I'd never seen him at this pool before. It was a private one, and my access was only thanks to Saul, who lived there. But apparently, Alex had connections too, judging by the girl he was with.

"I didn't see you there," I apologized, pointing at the bag of chips.

The girl bent down to pick them up and handed them to me. "No worries, I toss food away from me too to avoid temptation."

Damn, did she have to be so nice? It would be easier to dislike her if she wasn't.

"Do you live here?" Alex asked.

"No, Saul invited me," I replied, pointing my thumb at Saul beside me.

Alex nodded slightly, casting a curious glance at Saul. He definitely didn't miss the scene where Saul got me wet; he probably thought we were involved.

"They're gonna warm up your beers," Saul pointed out, eyeing the cans they both held. He sat down with his legs crossed, making part of his towel available. "Get comfortable here."

Alex didn't hesitate and sat on the grass, allowing the girl to use the towel.

My friend eyed her with interest. Damn, that meant she was attractive. I wasn't sure, as he had very particular tastes in women. Mila Kunis was at the top of my hypothetical list of "Famous Same-Sex Crushes."

"I'm Sarah," she introduced herself.

"Lena and Saul," I replied, knowing that would give the impression of a closer connection between us. Mwahaha, tough luck for Saul, but very convenient for me. I felt like Alex saw me as the inexperienced virgin I was, and I didn't like that.

Alex had his feet on the ground, his knees bent, with his forearms resting on them. His torso curved forward, muscles defining his ribs. Even though I played soccer with him, it was the first time I saw him shirtless, and it was hard to tear my eyes away from all that magnificence.

"Do you live in building 4?" Saul asked Sarah.

"Yes, I've seen you around too," she recognized with a smile.

"You don't go to Aberdeen, right?" Alex inquired. I wondered if he was jealous that Saul and his little girlfriend were neighbors. If he was, he didn't show it. "I haven't seen you there."

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