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And it's not merely foolish; the words you employed against me imprinted themselves as indelible footprints on my meticulous skin. Your dragon-like breath seared my heart, staining it with shades of crimson and golden words. But, oh, you left, and I simmered with rage. Thus, my vengeance comes at a cost. I transform into the thunder you hear at midnight—a roaring, enraged giant. I compelled you to burrow deep into your pillows, pleading with God to silence the clamor. Wasn't it immensely vexing? How does it feel to betray and abandon someone in such a state of fury?

I ventured into the enchanted forest, where you once promised we'd make love. But the trees, the custodians of your secrets and mysteries, jeered and ridiculed me. They deemed me naive, while you remained unattainable, like a fictional figure. I couldn't help but notice how you transformed, embodying different gods each day - Moon on Mondays, Tyr on Tuesdays, Woden on Wednesdays, Thor on Thursdays, and Freya on Fridays. But, your promises and aspirations were like a Saturday without a Sunday - all talk and no action.

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