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[ BiU Residency | 5PM ]

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[ BiU Residency | 5PM ]

"yes, you can leave it there for now" Hanbyeol say to the person who help moving her new bike into her garage. "alright then, I hope you enjoy riding him on the tracks" the man reply making her confused, "tracks?" she questioned.

"I thought you bought it for racing?are you not?you look like a racer—a legal one, of course. Thus, it's often use in racing" he answered as he check her out making the girl chuckle awkwardly. she have her hair up in a ponytail, a cropped shirt and a tights.

"I—am not. I'm a doctor, a Neurologist to be precise" She reply as she force a smile, making the guy shocked. "oh really?sorry for that, I'll get going then. Have fun?" he utter making her smile while nodding as he make his way out from her sight making her sigh in relief.

She look at her newly painted vehicle, she requested for it to be in a navy blue instead of bright red. there's a slight touch of silver on the accessories making her smile. She also requested for a named sticker. She walk to the back of the bike and see her name plastered in cursive.

'Oh Hanbyeol'

she smile widely as she run her thumbs over it. "I'll take care of you well.." she whispered. She feel great that she bought something for her use.


Sunghoon have finished his shift for today, and is now one corner away from his apartment. The light turns green, he put his weight on the gas pedal, making the car moves forward but then he see a kid running towards his car making him surprise and quickly step on the brake.

He get off his car to check on the kid, "are you okay?" Sunghoon asked to the kid that is now sitting on the ground. "i'm bleeding.." She answered softly as she point at her knees making Sunghoon to look there. He then checked the area if there's other sign of fracture but there's just a scratch making him sigh in relief.

"where's your mom?" He asked as he caress her plump cheeks as he smile, "there" she point at a family clinic on the sidewalk. "wait here, I'll park my car and come back to you" Sunghoon utter.

"but what if you run away? then you're a criminal" The small girl reply making Sunghoon chuckle in amusement. "you're a one smart little girl, wait—hold these for me" Sunghoon hand her his phones, wallet, and ID. "I can't go to work or home without these, so I'll come back to take them later, okay?" Sunghoon assured her making her nod before Sunghoon help her to walk to the sidewalk.

He then rush to his car and move it out the way and park in the front of the clinic before turning off his car engine and step out of it, rush back to the girl making her smile. "you really came back, you're a nice uncle" she utter making the older smile and nod to her before picking her up in his arms. "let's go to your mom" He said making the girl nod, Sunghoon look up to see the clinic names.

Gawon Clinic.

He push the glass door opens, he then see a woman around his age seems to be looking around for something as she step out of the clinic's bathroom. "is that your mom?" He asked the girl in his arm as he point to the woman making her look at the direction and nod excitedly.

"mommy" she called making the older turn to them and shocked as she see her daughter in the guy arms. "Hyewon where did you go?" the older question as she rush to the two. "I guess she got bored so she went out alone, She ran towards my car, thank god there's just a scratch" Sunghoon explained as she take her daughter from him.

"that's so dangerous, you're lucky he's a good uncle" The older utter to her daughter, "it seems to be like just a scratch but we can get her checked, I'll pay for it" Sunghoon said which leave the latter surprise. "no you don't have too, it's my fault" the mom reply making Sunghoon shake his head.

"still, I caused the scratch, it's okay" He insisted, "mommy look, he's a doctor—no, a surgeon" the little one utter as she show her mom his office ID, making Sunghoon smile softly, "right, can I have my things back now sweetie?" He asked nicely making the girl nod as she hand him his things.

They got Hyewon checked, as expected she have no major or hidden injuries just a minor scratch on her knee. Sunghoon paid for their medical fees, including for the mother check up fees.

"you're a good guy, I mean—others will scold the girl cause she ran to the road when the light turns green, but you get her checked and even pay for their fees" Someone utter making Sunghoon look up and see the doctor who is in charge of checking the little girl.

"She's a kid, a 6 years old, she's learning" Sunghoon reply as he take his card from the receptionist as he is done with the payment. "I admire your kindness, I hope there's more people like you out there.." she utter making the guy smie before he glance at her name tag.

Kim Yura.

The girl seems to realize the guy is looking at her name tag so she extend her hands out making his gaze change to her face again. "Kim Yura, a Child Specialist here" she introduced herself making the guy slowly nod as he reach for her hand. "Park Sunghoon, I—I work around here" He reply making the girl nod as they shake hands, exchanging a soft smile between each other.

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