❊ FOUR ❊

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febraury 22nd, 2020

It was the night of the BetterHelp fundraiser and all the drivers were in their best suits as everyone was wearing black tie attire. Lando had a glass of champagne in his hand as he looked around. 

"Mate, she'll be here," Carlos said, his girlfriend Isabel, on his arm looking beautiful in a long, pink dress.

"Is this Lily he's looking for?" Isa asked amused.

"It is," Carlos said as Lando kept looking around. 

"She still not here?" Charles asked as he walked over with his girlfriend Charlotte on his arm in a short, black dress.

"If she was, he wouldn't be looking like a lost puppy," Daniel joked, heading over with his girlfriend, Heidi on his arm. At that moment, everyone's heads turned to the entrance and looked shocked.

"Wait, is that her?" Heidi asked, turning around. 

"Oh my god, if that who I think is with her?" Charlotte asked as Lando turned around and his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. 

Wearing a beautiful, blood red gown with her hair left down, a small, blood red clutch bag and with bold yet casual makeup, Lily walked in with none other than Taron Egerton on her arm with Elton John next to Taron and her brother, Kit, by her side.

"Oh my god, she looks stunning!" Heidi said as Juliet looked around, her red lips parted slightly. 

"Holy shit," Lando said, staring at Lily . Her blue eyes locked on his and a wide grin grew on her face as she let go of Taron's arm and hurried towards the older boy, picking her dress up and revealing beautiful red heels, making her a few heels taller.

"Hi," she said smiling as the others made their way over to them. 

"H-Hey," Lando said, staring at Juliet with a dazed look as she smiled. "You, wow." 

"You wow too," she said chuckling. 

"So, aren't you going to introduce us?" Kit teased as he stood by his sister. "I thought it was essential the little brother meets the boyfriend." Both Lily and Lando went slightly pink.

"Piss off," Lily said laughing, "go annoy someone else."

"Can I have some champagne?" he asked as Lily looked at her.

"Dude, you're not even sixteen," she said as Kit's face fell, "make sure you get me one." Kit beamed as he ran off. "So, I would introduce you to the others, but I'm pretty sure you know who they are." 

"Oh trust me," Heidi said as she grinned at Taron.

"We do," Charlotte added as Juliet laughed. 

"Pleasure to meet you both," he said smiling politely. Lily turned to Lando and smiled.

"You said I could bring a few friends," she said smiling.

"I wasn't expecting Elton John and Taron Egerton!" he said, slightly star-struck as Lily laughed.

"I didn't want to spoil the surprise," she said smiling. "Oh, I forgot," she added, "I have a few more people coming."

"You are incredible," he said as she smiled.

"Taron," Elton said, "is that the boy Lily was talking about non-stop?" Lily put her hands over her face as she turned around to Elton. 

"Let's go get a drink!" she said, grabbing Elton and Taron's hands and pulling them away as thy both laughed. "You guys are assholes," she said as they made their way to Kit who seemed to be arguing with the chef.

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