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You said , pausing.

Team Z had left you out of the game.

And nobody tried to talk to you.

That meant...they didn't like you anymore.

"Oh." You said.

"OH!" You said.

A wide smile spread over your face, and all of your anger disappeared.

"This is...amazing! Amazing! I can finally...have normal people around me!" You excitedly thought.

They didn't like you!

Team Z did not like you!

You finally could have real friends!

Ones that wouldn't do bad things!

Like killing each other!

"Wow, this is great." You smiled again.

The next day was physical training again, before the second stage.

During the entire day of hard training, you talked with everyone in team Z.

They were all surprised you weren't mad anymore, and decided to not mention yesterday at all.

Except Isagi.

"Y/N? Why're you not mad at everyone else? You were made at me..."

"Huh? Oh, I'm not mad at all anymore!" You answered.

"Wait! Am I still your favourite?" Isagi asked.

"Favourite? There's no need for favourites!" You just smiled, then pat his shoulder and walked away.

Isagi stood there, with wide eyes.

He wasn't...your favourite anymore?

But you were mad at him, and nobody else, and now you were acting like it never happened.

When team Z got to the second selection, Jelly Egg or wherever his spider looking ass is called made a boring speech about how the upper class people or whatever never existed.

But it didn't really matter to you, because you were still first.

And you were excited.

To play soccer.

So when Leggo my Eggo or whatever finished his boring speech, you went right up to the door first.

But you weren't the only one.

"Y/N?" Rin said.

"Oh! Rin! Can I go first?" You asked.

Rin's eyes narrowed.

You had just met him since how long ago?

And your first question was to ask if you could go first?

Not even a 'hello?'

He had known you for so long.

And that's how you reacted after seeing him in so long?

He grit his teeth, and answered; "Yes..."

"Thanks! You're the best, Rin." You smiled.

You didn't mean it literally.

It was just a saying.

But Rin took your words to heart, like he always did.

"Ah, never mind. She still thinks I'm the best. She probably doesn't want to engage in a conversation too long in front of so many people." Rin thought to himself, automatically calming down.

He watched you go through the doors, before turning to glare at the people who were staring.

He noticed a few people glaring daggers at him.

"Y/N's teammates." He thought. "Ha. See? Get a good look."

He took two soccer balls out of the bin, and placed them on the ground.

He kicked the first ball with ease, then the next, that hit the first ball, mid air.

"Y/N prefers me. I'm better than you all."

Okay, so you hid.

From Isagi, Bachira, and Rin.

You wanted to try playing soccer with someone new!

It's not that you didn't want to play with them...

You just felt so different, like something changed.

You felt like you should try to genuinely enjoy your time here, playing soccer.

Then you spotted someone!

"Cute!" Was the first thing you thought to yourself.

You got up quickly, and walked over to him.

"I'm Y/N. Would you like to team up?" You asked, with a smile.

The guy you had asked blushed a similar shade to his hair.

"Um, yes. Please. I would like to be part of your team, team." He answered.

"What's your name?" You asked.


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